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G Project Sponsor & Business Lead : Anna Stamp & Jane Johnston

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1 EST102 & EST103 Estates Capital System Procurement & Implementation Project Report 25/05/18
G Project Sponsor & Business Lead : Anna Stamp & Jane Johnston Business Project Manager: Jane Cameron IS Estates Programme Manager: Derrick Matheson IS Project Manager & BA: Lyn Thomson LATEST ACHIEVEMENTS EST102: 25th May: Release of final version of contract by Shepherd & Wedderburn. Issued to Gavin McLachlan for signature. Forwarded to Polarisoft for signature. EST103: 25th May: ASTA resource requests entered. NEXT STEPS EST102: 28th May & 4th June: Lessons Learned interviews with Estates EST102: 14th June: Lessons Learned Write Up & Project Close. EST103: 6th June: Joint Planning Session with Polarisoft EST103: June 2018: Aligned & Agreed Implementation plan with Estates & Polarisoft. EST103: Set up of Design Workshops with Polarisoft EST103: Enter formal resource requests in ASTA. EST103: Project Audit: Approach Andy Stewart to ask him to audit. MILESTONES Baseline Actual/ Predicted EST102 ITT Issued 27/07/17 EST102 Responses from Vendors Received 21/08/17 EST102 Notify Vendors of Decision 13/10/17 31/01/18 EST102 Indicative Contract Awarded 24/10/17 12/02/18 EST102 Contract Finalised 09/03/18 31/05/18 EST102 Project Close 30/03/18 14/06/18 EST103 Initial Planning & Project Brief 29/09/17 10/11/17 EST103 Strategy & Planning Phase 1 Stage 1 (end planning) 28/06/18 EST103 Design & Build Phase 1 Stage 2 01/11/18 EST103 Transition & Early Life Support Phase 1 Stage 3 & GO LIVE 29/11/18 EST103 Handover to Ops Phase 1 Stage 4 (End Technology Delivery) 10/01/19 EST103 BAU Operation Phase 1 Stage 5 (Technical Project Close) 07/02/19 EST103 Phase 2 07/03/19 EST103 Business Project Close 21/03/19 RISKS & ISSUES ISSUE 1: Late completion of procurement will delay implementation ISSUE 2: Estates have "cleansed" live project data to their new template in readiness for the PPM Anywhere system, but they have made no decision as yet about historical project data RISK 7: Assumption that there will be no integration of financial data from Archibus may be wrong. Estates state that all the financial data required can be derived from eFIN. RISK 8: Assumption that there will be no integration of Building/Facilities/Asset data to Archibus is wrong. RISK 9: Assumption that the "integration" with SharePoint is not via an API requiring development is wrong. We expect it will be a "co-operation based on business process and structure. RISK 10: Assumption that there will be no integration with EDW at this stage is wrong. RISK 11: Assumption that Service Management will sit in Estates (possibly their new PMO or with their Helpdesk Manager) and that they do not require IS Service Management is wrong.

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