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Time Management and Test Taking Workshop Sharon Cronin Director, CAPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management and Test Taking Workshop Sharon Cronin Director, CAPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management and Test Taking Workshop Sharon Cronin Director, CAPS

2 So we dont sleep all day To get more things done To be sure we get to our priorities Because our mother/spouse/boss tells us to Other? Why do we try to manage time?

3 a.Family b.Work c.School d.Staying healthy e.Friends/Social f.Electronics (Computer, phone, television, gaming) g.Other What is your highest priority?

4 a.Family b.Work c.School d.Staying healthy e.Friends/Social f.Electronics (Computer, phone, television, gaming) g.Other On what/whom do you spend the most time?

5 a.One hour a week b.Two to three hours for each hour of class c.Two hours a day d.Whatever is left in the day e.Study time? hint How much study time is expected for your classes?

6 Time for school activity Classes/study time Work Sleep Other responsibilities Food/exercise/etcetera Hobbies/social time How much time do you have for school?

7 Crazy schedule Keeping track of deadlines/ due dates Interruptions Procrastination Other Quiz What is your biggest time management challenge?

8 Planners Reminder systems Computers Phones Alarms Notes Calendars/Planners Scheduling & Deadlines

9 a.your memory. b.not taking on too much. c.having a planner. d.staying motivated to follow through on your plan. e.your alarm clock. hint Your most important time management tool is _______

10 Why do you procrastinate? so many other things to do? not in touch with goals? fear of failure? Or success? Preparing for interruptions Role playing activity Procrastination & Interruptions

11 a.spend a little time on everything and do the best you can. b.develop a plan based on your priorities. c.hide under the bed. d.letting everyone know you cant meet the deadlines, and trying harder next time. hint When you have competing demands, your best strategy is to _____________


13 http://ub- http://ub- Handouts Time Management resources

14 What are your biggest concerns? Preparation Strategies Anxiety Other Test Taking

15 What can you do during the semester to be ready for a test? How do learning styles come into play? What resources can you use? Before the Test (preparation)

16 Be calm and clear Come prepared Information dump Instructions Question clues Multiple choice Essay Quiz Quiz During the Test (strategies)

17 Take a break! Then… 1.Reflect on issues 2.Understand items you got wrong 3.Make use of resources 4.Develop a plan After the Test (preparation)

18 Relaxation techniques Practice/desensitization Visualization Preparation What if your mind goes blank? Thought stopping Video Dealing with Anxiety

19 tml tml Handouts Test Taking resources

20 For further assistance, come to CAPS! Center for Academic Planning and Support Room 210 603-427-7621 Questions?

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