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Vocabulary Unit 5 Words 16 - 20 7th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 5 Words 16 - 20 7th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 5 Words 7th Grade

2 (adj.) large, important, real
My grandfather won a substantial amount of money from the lottery. He’s rich! Substantial: (adj.) large, important, real

3 (adj.) skilled in handling difficult situations, polite
You must be tactful when giving bad news, otherwise someone’s feeling could be hurt. Tactful: (adj.) skilled in handling difficult situations, polite

4 It’s important not to tamper with the evidence in a criminal case.
(v.) to interfere with

5 Italy is the ultimate destination on our trip to Europe.
(adj.) last, final, most perfect

6 My little brother was filled with uncertainty on his first day of kindergarten. He was so nervous!
(n.) doubt, hesitation

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