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Random Fact of the Day George Washington's salary as president was $25,000. Obama’s salary is $400,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Random Fact of the Day George Washington's salary as president was $25,000. Obama’s salary is $400,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Random Fact of the Day George Washington's salary as president was $25,000. Obama’s salary is $400,000.

2 Chapter 7, Section 1 The President and Vice President

3 Main Idea Every four years, electors selected by popular vote cast their ballots for the President and Vice President.

4 I. Qualifications for President
A. The president heads the executive branch ***The top political job in the country and possibly the world.*** ***George Washington was the first president.**** ( )

5 B. To become president, a person must be: 1. At least 35
2. Native born American citizen (Citizen at birth) 3. Resident of the US for at least 14 years. Clinton Inauguration- Taking Pres. Oath of Office

6 ***Things have changed over the years.
1. JFK became the 1st Catholic president 2. Jesse Jackson(1988) 2nd place Dem. 3. Democratic Party – VP candidates (1984) Geraldine Ferraro-(NY) (2000) Joe Lieberman-(Conn.)***

7 4. Hillary Clinton (D) New York
5. Barack Obama (D) Illinois.

8 II. Electing the President
A. Presidential elections take place every four years. B. The Constitution set up an indirect method of election called the Electoral College. ***By making their ballots for a particular candidate, voters are actually selecting their state’s electors. The electors are pledged to vote for the chosen candidate.***

9 **270 votes out of 538 are needed to win.
C. Each state has as many electoral votes as the total of its members in Congress. (Winner-take-all system) ***This means that states with larger populations have more electoral votes.*** 535 (Congress) + 3 (D.C.) = 538 Total **270 votes out of 538 are needed to win.

10 D. Candidates focus their campaigns on the states with the most electoral votes.
15 Electoral Votes 38 Electoral Votes 55 Electoral Votes

11 2004 Electoral Votes George W. Bush 286
John Kerry 251 John Edwards 1

12 E. The media announces the winner the evening of the election.
*** However, the outcome is not official until the Electoral College casts ballots and Congress counts them.*** (January 4th)

13 A. Presidents serve 4 year terms. B. President can serve 2 terms max.
III. Term of Office A. Presidents serve 4 year terms. B. President can serve 2 terms max. ***22nd Amendment (1951)limits president to only 2 terms or a maximum of 10 years if president took office during another president’s term.*** Franklin Roosevelt ( ) Elected 4x

14 C. Receives a yearly salary of $400,000, plus expenses.
***Lives in White House. A staff tends to the President’s family.***

15 D. Camp David (Maryland) serves as the president’s retreat and a place to host foreign leaders.
Pres. George W. biking Conference Room Reagan and Margaret Thatcher Main Lodge

16 ***Presidents travel in special cars, helicopters, and airplanes such as air force one.***

17 Air Force One

18 Marine One

19 Presidential Limo (2006 Cadillac DTS)

20 A. Vice president is elected with the
IV. The Vice President A. Vice president is elected with the president; qualifications are the same for both jobs. Former Vice President Dick Cheyney

21 B. Vice president is in charge of the senate.
(President of the Senate) ***Only votes to break a tie, but has little authority. Vice president is 1st in line to succeed president if the president dies.***

22 V. Presidential Succession
***The Constitution was not clear about whether or not the vice president would become president or just take over presidents duties if the president could no longer serve.***

23 ***Vice President John Tyler settled the dispute by taking oath as president when William Henry Harrison died in office.*** (1841) William Henry Harrison John Tyler

24 A. Presidential Succession Act of 1947 established official line of succession.
1. Vice President 2. Speaker 3. President Pro Tempore 4. Secretary of State Rest of the President’s Cabinet

25 B. The 25th amendment further established that the Vice President, after becoming President, would choose another Vice President. ***Both houses of Congress must approve the choice.***

26 ***25th amendment gives the President a role in determining whether a President is disabled and unable to do the job. The Vice President would then act as President until the President is able to go back to work.*** 1985 Acting President for 8 hours with Reagan in surgery

27 Mini Quiz!!! Beastie Boys-Intergalactic
1. How old to become President? 2. Can you have grown up in another country and become President? 3. If the President and Vice President die, who becomes President? 4. How long is a Presidential term? 5. How many terms can a President serve? 6. How many max years can the President serve?

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