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Good To Great Chapter One.

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Presentation on theme: "Good To Great Chapter One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good To Great Chapter One

2 “That’s what makes death so hard- unsatisfied curiosity.”
– Beryl Markham

3 Can a good company become a great company?
Built to Last The challenge Research

4 Undaunted Curiosity Phase 1 The search 11 good companies
15yrs cumulative stock returns at or below the general stock market. One hit wonders, fifteen yrs isn’t just luck.

5 Phase 2 Compared to what? What distinguished these good to great companies from the Direct comparisons Unsustained comparisons

6 How to make that comparison
Phase 3 and 4 Phase 3 Inside the black box What's different?? Phase 4 Chaos to concept Framework of buildup followed by break thru

7 Framework of concepts

8 Recap Good to Great How does this relate to this class?
Prequel to Built to Last How does this relate to this class?

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