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Competency developement using GLF in community pharmacy in Croatia

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1 Competency developement using GLF in community pharmacy in Croatia
Arijana Meštrović Živka Staničić Iva Mucalo Maja Ortner Hadžiabdić Ian Bates FIP,Lisabon, 2010.

2 Excellency in pharmaceutical care

3 Development of competences in pharmacy Responsibility for patient treatment outcome

4 Global trends in pharmacy competency framework General Level Framework
Delivery of Patient Care Personal Problem Solving Management and Organisation Patient consultation Organisation Gathering Clinical governance information Need for the drug Effective Knowledge Service Provision communication Selection of the drug Analysing Budget setting and reimbursement Teamwork information Drug specific issues Organisations Professionalism Providing information Provision of drug product Training Follow up Medicines Staff management information Procurement Monitoring drug therapy Evaluation of outcomes 4

5 Croatia in GLF testing map

6 Competency rating 2009. poorest performance Monitoring drug therapy
Use of guidelince Patient consultation Evaluation of outcomes best performance Drug specific issues Provision of drug product

7 prioritizing medicine management problems
The greatest discrepancies among pharmacists were found in … ensuring that the prescription is legal prioritizing medicine management problems identifying drug-drug interactions to develop standard operating procedures to develop frameworks for data collection to provide more written information for patient safety to document pharmacy intervention

8 What have we collected in our Portfolios?
406 clinicaly significant side effects 332 documented medical interventions 146 documented medication errors 184 false prescriptions 252 students 17 young pharmacists 3 research public health projects * antibiotic resistence * knowledge about herbal drugs *do the patient really read medical instructions?

9 Education and Continuing Pharmacists Developement
using GLF /12 month period 46 professional educations 20 workshops 12 apprentices` moduls 6 communication trainings 110 learning portfolios 55 locations on the job coaching 100 GLF asessments

10 Performance development
Mean-2009 Mean-2010 Variance-2009 Variance-2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Competencies -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 Patient consultation Monitoring drug therapy Medicine information Patient education Evaluation of outcomes

11 starting point …

12 …for future development

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