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Class Rosters-Staff and Students linked through Courses

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1 Class Rosters-Staff and Students linked through Courses 2018-19
Presenter: Alecia Moll - IT

2 Class Roster Presentation Summary
What is a Class Roster? What templates and data make up a Class Roster? How do Class Roster templates relate to one another? When should Class Rosters be submitted? How to verify Class Roster data in STARS? How are Class Rosters used by PED and why are they important?

3 Course Code – identifies subject matter
What is a Class Roster? Definition: List of students enrolled in a teacher’s class. This schedule is maintained by a registrar and contains these basic components in STARS: Course Code – identifies subject matter Student ID – identifies student Staff ID – identifies teacher Location Code – School where class is taught It defines a unique classroom, which in STARS consists of the 8-digit Course Code at a school plus Course Section Code. e.g. Algebra I (2031) - taught period 1 & period 2. Different set of students. May be taught by same or different teachers. CourseCode+Section must be unique PD1 & PD2/ PD2

4 What Templates make-up a Class Roster?
Course Domain: COURSE Where Course Code is stored. Ties together Course Instructor and Student Course Enrollment. COURSE INSTRUCTOR Where “teacher of record” is stored as well as up to two other instructors COURSE ENROLL (aka STUDENT COURSE ENROLLMENT) Identifies students enrolled in course above

5 What Templates make-up a Class Roster-Continued
STAFF SNAPSHOT Identifies demographics of teacher, such as name, gender, ethnicity, DOB, salary, address, years of teaching experience, highest degree and where degree obtained. One record per staff per snapshot - info could change from snapshot to snapshot, such as name, salary, etc… STUDENT SNAPSHOT Identifies demographics of student, such as name, gender, ethnicity, DOB, enrolled-school, Free or Reduced lunch, SpEd, Gifted, Home lang, etc... STAFF Mimics Staff Snapshot and required for NEW staff (can’t load Staff Snapshot without corresponding Staff). One record per Staff ID per District (no school year) STUDENT Mimics Student Snapshot. (can’t load Student Snapshot without corresponding Student). One record per Student ID per District per Year

6 How are Class Roster Templates Related?
5 templates joined to complete a class roster: COURSE COURSE INSTRUCTOR COURSE ENROLL (aka STUDENT COURSE ENROLLMENT) STAFF SNAPSHOT STUDENT SNAPSHOT When templates joined, produces one record per student per Course Code+Section Identifies student, course, teacher, school along with all student & teacher demographics

7 Template Key Fields Joined- Pseudo Code
COURSE.CourseCode=COURSE_INSTRUCTOR.CourseCode AND COURSE_INSTRUCTOR.CourseCode=COURSE_ENROLL.CourseCode COURSE_INSTRUCTOR.CourseSection=COURSE_ENROLL.CourseSection COURSE_INSTRUCTOR.PrimaryInstructorStaffID=STAFF_SNAPSHOT.StaffID COURSE_ENROLL.StudentID=STUDENT_SNAPSHOT.StudentID Note: Join also includes year, snapshot dates, district, school & semester

8 Key Fields Detail - COURSE
Field 1 District Code Field 2 Location Code Field 3 School Year Date Field 26 Semester (1=40D; 2=80D; 3=120D; 4=EOY; 5=K3P; 9=OpenYrRound) Field 27 Course Code Long (8 in length)

9 Key Field Detail - COURSE INSTRUCTOR
Field 1 District Code Field 2 Location Code Field 3 School Year Date Field 17 Semester (1=40D; 2=80D; 3=120D; 4=EOY; 5=K3P; 9=OpenYrRound) Field 19 Course Code Long (8 in length) Field 22 Section Code Long (Case sensitive on join) Note: Bolded field is new to join

10 Key Field Detail – COURSE ENROLL
COURSE ENROLL (aka STUDENT COURSE ENROLLMENT) Field 1 District Code Field 2 Location Code Field 3 School Year Date Field 5 Effective Date (same as Snapshot Date) Field 7 Student ID Field 13 Semester (1=40D; 2=80D; 3=120D; 4=EOY; 5=K3P; 9=OpenYrRound) Field 14 Course Code Long (8 in length) Field 20 Section Code Long (Case sensitive on join) Note: Bolded field is new to join

11 Key Fields Detail – STAFF & STUDENT SNAPSHOT
STAFF SNAPSHOT Field 1 District Code Field 2 Staff ID (joins to field 8 Primary Instructor Staff ID in COURSE INSTRUCTOR) Field 50 Snapshot Date STUDENT SNAPSHOT Field 3 School Year Date Field 4 Student ID (joins to field Student ID in COURSE ENROLL) Field 83 Snapshot Date

12 When should Class Rosters be submitted?
Throughout the year when these EDM collection windows are open: K-3 Plus (Beg of Yr) To determine teachers of the K3P students 7/15 Open Year Round Used for ECOT and NMEPIC to tie students to teachers through courses for scheduling assessments 40th Day; 80th Day; 120th Day Linkage used for teacher evaluations; Students assessment scores linked to teachers through courses they are teaching. Data loaded into Accuroster for further clean-up by districts if necessary. Also used for Bilingual Education Program (BEP) funding of teachers. End-of-Year (EOY) STUDENT_GRADES template with final course grade is linked to Class Rosters. These grades and credits-earned can actually be linked to ANY previous COURSE ENROLL snapshot record loaded in STARS.

13 How to Verify Class Roster data in STARS?
Important to run and disseminate to teachers- for accuracy Make corrections to STARS during open window If data missing, run exception reports or Template Validation reports Will reduce number of changes to Accuroster (used for Teacher Evaluation linkages between Teacher, Student & Course) Report Path: STAFF>Course (main reports-next slide are subsets) Detailed Class Roster All Snapshots Shows snapshots for each student in each CourseCode+Section (can easily identify holes e.g. Student appears for Algebra I at 40D but not 80D) Detailed Class Roster for Teachers Starts new page when teacher changes Includes Other Instructors

14 Specific Class Roster Reports
Class Roster Reports have been built with filters for specific programs: Report Path: K-3 Plus Folder K-3 Plus Classes, Teachers and Students Snapshot Date parameter only allows K3P selection Report Path: ECOT Folder ECOT Detailed Class Roster Snapshot Date parameter only allows 7/15 YearLong selection Courses parameter defaults to ECOT, which when selected will list records to be transferred to ECOT Report Path: NMEPIC Folder NMEPIC Detailed Class Roster Snapshot Date parameter to select is 7/15 YearLong Courses parameter defaults to EOC, which when selected will list records to be transferred to NMEPIC that evening, which is used to schedule students to take End-of-Course Exams in the EPIC app. Report Path: Bilingual Reports Folder Detailed Class Roster - BEP Courses Only when BEP is specified in COURSE INSTRUCTOR will courses appear. Applies to all snapshot dates.

15 How to Trouble-shoot missing Class Roster data in STARS?
If any Class Roster reports are missing data, run these reports to determine problem: Report Path for Exceptions: STAFF>Course Course Enrollments without Course Instructors Teacher missing Course Instructors without Course Enrollments No students in class Course Enroll Exception - Inconsistent Reporting Periods Fields representing snapshot date are inconsistent Course Instructor Exception - Inconsistent Reporting Periods Course Instructor Compared to Staff Snapshot Exceptions Identifies missing Staff Snapshot records for teachers Course Instructor Compared to Staff Assignment Exceptions Verifies teachers reported in Teaching Staff Assignment Codes (Doesn’t apply to K3P or 7/15 snapshots)

16 How to Trouble-shoot missing Class Roster data in STARS using Template Verification Reports?
Report Path: Template Verification Reports Student folder: Student Course Enrollment Template Verification (aka COURSE ENROLL) Start at this lowest grain and find ONE missing student from here and trace back through the templates Student Snapshot Template Verification Verify Student ID from above is found here Staff folder: Course Instructor Template Verification Verify same Course ID, Section, Location Code, Snapshot Date and Semester from Student Course Enroll Template Verification report above is found here to identify teacher. Remember Section is case sensitive. Staff Snapshot Template Verification Verify Primary Instructor’s Staff ID from Course Instructor Template Verification report above is found here for same Staff ID and Snapshot Date.

17 Class Roster questions districts should be asking themselves
Is the Class Roster data being reported to STARS correct? Are the teachers reported to STARS correct? Are these the correct Courses they are teaching? Report includes both PED and District course names for comparison. Are these the correct students in their classes? Are these the correct schools where they are teaching? A teacher may be teaching in multiple schools which is identified as Location Code in Course domain templates. Note: A student may be enrolled at a middle school (identified in Student Snapshot) but taking a course at a High School (identified in COURSE, COURSE INSTRUCTOR & COURSE ENROLL). The location code in Course domain templates must be consistent and does not have to match Student Snapshot’s location code.

18 How are Class Rosters used by PED and why are they important?
Teacher Evaluations If incorrect courses, teachers and students are reported to STARS then it affects their teacher evaluation score Very important - high stakes (hurts teachers if data is inaccurate) Data passed to ECOT and NMEPIC for assessing students: If incorrect, teachers can’t assess their students (ECOT) and students do not get scheduled for End-of-Course Exams (EOCs) in NMEPIC.

19 Report Path: Bilingual Reports
How are Class Rosters used by PED and why are they important? Continued Bilingual Education Since PED no longer collects a Bilingual Education Program (BEP) applications, it relies on the BEP code in Course Instructor to identify courses taught as part of BEP, to identify the teacher and allows them to verify proper licensure for funding Report Path: Bilingual Reports BEP Teachers with Licensure Qualified Status

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