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Switch transpose trans (across) + pos (put).

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Presentation on theme: "Switch transpose trans (across) + pos (put)."— Presentation transcript:

1 switch transpose trans (across) + pos (put)

2 outpouring effusion ex (out) + fus (pour)

3 worthy condign con (together) + dign (worthy)

4 time between rulers interregnum inter (between) + regnum (reign)

5 cause for war casus belli casus (case) + bell (war)

6 ideal example apotheosis apo (away) + theo (god)

7 graduates alumni

8 forerunner precursor pre (before) + curs (run)

9 switch transpose trans (across) + pos (put)

10 appearance of truth verisimilitude ver (true) + tude (state of)

11 outpouring effusion ex (out) + fus (pour)

12 beautiful sound euphony eu (good) + phon (sound)

13 worthy condign con (together) + dign (worthy)

14 time between rulers interregnum inter (between) + regnum (reign)

15 forerunner precursor pre (before) + curs (run)

16 sleight of hand prestidigitation digit (finger) + tion (state or act)

17 truthfulness veracity ver (true)

18 after death posthumous post (after) + hum (earth)

19 appearance of truth verisimilitude ver (true) + tude (state of)

20 violation; breach infraction in (into) + fract (break)

21 peculiarity idiosyncrasy idio (peculiar) + syn (together)

22 truthfulness veracity ver (true)

23 stubborn refractory re (again) + fract (break)

24 sleight of hand prestidigitation digit (finger) + tion (state or act)

25 red rubicund rub (red)

26 division schism schizo (divide)

27 after death posthumous post (after) + hum (earth)

28 study of the universe cosmology cosmo (world) + logy (science)

29 fear of heights acrophobia acro (high) + phobia (fear)

30 peculiarity idiosyncrasy idio (peculiar) + syn (together)

31 fear of heights acrophobia acro (high) + phobia (fear)

32 literary collection anthology antho (flower) + logia (collection)

33 cause for war casus belli casus (case) + bell (war)

34 literary collection anthology antho (flower) + logia (collection)

35 insulting word invective in (not / against) + vect (carry)

36 useless bootless boot (profit) + less (without)

37 division schism schizo (divide)

38 useless bootless boot (profit) + less (without)

39 stubborn refractory re (again) + fract (break)

40 fear of openness agoraphobia agora (place of congregation)
phobia (fear)

41 red rubicund rub (red)

42 ideal example apotheosis apo (away) + theo (god)

43 graduates alumni

44 flat trite remark platitude plat (flat)

45 insulting word invective in (not / against) + vect (carry)

46 flat trite remark platitude plat (flat)

47 fear of openness agoraphobia agora (place of congregation)
phobia (fear)

48 violation; breach infraction in (into) + fract (break)

49 beautiful sound euphony eu (good) + phon (sound)

50 study of the universe cosmology cosmo (world) + logy (science)

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