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Presentation 1.3: Why Focus on the WUI?.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation 1.3: Why Focus on the WUI?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation 1.3: Why Focus on the WUI?

2 Outline Introduction Reasons for getting involved Summary

3 Introduction There are many reasons why natural resource professionals should focus on the WUI. Why are you here? Create a list of your own reasons to add to the following slides.

4 Changes in the South –- land use, population, demographics – are affecting the ability of natural resource professionals to manage forests and other natural areas

5 Natural resource professionals have the opportunity to help maximize ecosystem goods and services

6 Resource professionals can also help minimize the risks associated with urbanization

7 Resource professionals can provide science-based information about the potential natural resource consequences of land-use decisions.

8 Interface and urban constituencies will have the greatest influence on national and state policies affecting natural resources and their management

9 Summary The South is undergoing tremendous change and resource professionals have the opportunity to garner support and influence for policies that support natural resource management and conservation.

10 Credits Photos: Slides 4, 5, 8: Larry Korhnak
Slide 7: Annie Hermansen-Baez

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