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Bell Ringer: Finish your lab conclusions. You have 6 minutes to double check your work, put your name on it, and turn it in to the colored tray. Done?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer: Finish your lab conclusions. You have 6 minutes to double check your work, put your name on it, and turn it in to the colored tray. Done?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer: Finish your lab conclusions. You have 6 minutes to double check your work, put your name on it, and turn it in to the colored tray. Done? Let’s Review! Open your textbook to p. 408. In your IAN write your Answers to #1-11 and #14. Title it Ch.13 Review.

2 Ch.14.1 Ocean Currents: Objectives: Describe surface ocean currents.
List four factors that control surface ocean currents. Describe deep ocean currents. List three factors that form deep ocean currents.

3 Ocean Currents, What are they. P
Ocean Currents, What are they? P Stream-like movements in the water! Hook: NASA Salinity Affecting Ocean Currents!

4 Surface Currents: Stream-like movement of water at or near the surface of the ocean Ex. Gulf Stream, Brazil Current


6 Surface currents are controlled by:
Four Things: 1. Global winds- winds that blow across the surface, creating ripples


8 Surface currents are controlled by:
2. The Coriolis Effect – caused by the Earth’s rotation on its axis, (making surface ocean currents, move in curved paths from the poles to the equator and back again) Near the equator they move East to West! ***


10 3. Continental Deflections – when the land causes the surface ocean currents to change direction due to the lands height above sea-level.

11 Surface Currents Controlled By:
4. Water temperature- warm water from equator is pushed back to poles Cold water from poles displaces rising warm water at equator Warm Surface Currents: The Gulf Stream

12 Cold Water Surface Currents:
Come from poles Cool land near coastal areas that would otherwise be warmer

13 Currents and Temperature

14 What 4 factors form a pattern of surface currents?

15 ?Deep Currents? Stream-like movements of ocean water far below the surface. Overall, caused by differences in DENSITY. Density in ocean water is affected by: temperature and salinity differences

16 3 Factors creating Deep Ocean Currents…
1.  DECREASING TEMPERATURES in water near North and South Poles (cold water is denser thus will sink to the ocean bottom) 2. INCREASING SALINITY thru FREEZING (as water freezes, dissolved solids are squeezed out, increasing the salinity thus water will be denser and will sink to the ocean bottom)

(more common in warmer climates where evaporation leaves dissolved solids behind, increasing salinity creating denser water which will sink to the ocean bottom) Formation of Deep Ocean Currents

18 Formation of Deep Ocean Currents
Let’s Review the steps!  Deep Currents Video

19 Convection Currents!!!!

20 In Summary: Part A: Cause
The Gulf Stream (a surface current) carries warm water from the Gulf to the North Atlantic Part B: Effect Now, the air above this warm surface current is allowed to gain thermal energy by conduction

21 As a Result, Part C There is a mild climate in England One More time, what is the difference between surface and deep ocean currents? Visual Organizer=test what you know!

22 BR: Currents and Temperature: Glue it and do it! P.416

23 Bell Ringer: Please take out the 2 review sheets from your blue tubs. Fold or cut and glue them into your IAN. Begin reviewing the diagram of the sea floor.

24 What to study? IAN 2-column notes: Can you answer the objectives?
13.1 (5 oceans, 2 elements, 3 reasons salty) 13.2 (ocean floor: 3 parts of CM, 5 parts of DOB) 14.1 ( 2 types of currents) Study your Diagrams Identify your tech terms: salinity, Coriolis effect, seamount, evaporation, condensation


26 Let’s Review!

27 After the quiz? Silent read Ch.14, Section 2, Currents and Climate p Answer the section review questions in your IAN. P.425 #1-6 Silent Read

28 Great Garbage Patch

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