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HD 120-College success (P1)

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1 HD 120-College success (P1)
Friday, February 26th, 2016

2 Class Agenda Housekeeping Learning Targets Final Project

3 Housekeeping Collect Homework - Forecasting, Weekly Schedule and 2 term academic plan Get Out of Jail Free Card - Friday, March 4th Final Project Due - Friday, March 11th by 12 pm Final HD 120 class - Friday, March 11th at 12:55 pm - 1:45 pm FINALS WEEK: Mon., March 14th - Fri., March 18th

4 Learning Targets I can identify all components of the HD-120 final project.

5 Final Project, Part I - Reflecting on Your First Term
Preparing for Your Reflection Essay: Review your Self-Assessment taken at the beginning of class and the High School vs. College handout you highlighted at the beginning of the term in anticipation of what would be the most challenging about your transition to college. Identify specific personal traits, habits and how you have handled learning college customs that are most relevant to you for your essay.

6 Final Project, Part I - Reflecting on Your First Term
Reflection Essay: Google Doc, at least 2 pages typed, double spaced, 12 point font, share with me. Describe your experience this term in college classes. What do you consider to be your biggest area of growth? What are you most proud of and what areas are you still struggling with? Be specific and think critically about your progress this term. What internal and external factors played the biggest role in your experience this term? To what degree can you control or influence these factors? What advice would you give to a brand new college student? Do you take your own advice?

7 Final Project, Part II - Affirm Your Strengths
Complete Journal #11 on page 103 in your On Course book - complete each step of the assignment thoroughly for full credit. This written portion must be in a Google Doc, 2 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-pt font and shared with me. Include one of the following in your Google Doc to support your affirmation: 3 images/symbols that represent you (cite sources if not original) A song that represents you (with lyrics, artist and link to youtube or audio file) A poem or quote that has meaning for you (cite source if not original) Personal photographs that illustrate your affirmation.

8 Final Project Review Pair up Each take one part of the final project
Review the project guidelines. Take turns sharing the guidelines for your part with your partner. Make a list of questions.

9 Final Project Review Questions?

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