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Presentation on theme: "PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1"— Presentation transcript:

SUBJECT (Week 11) Date: Nov 2011 Loc: Rm 50 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 6 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 3 &4 PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 STANDARD 6NS2.3 Solve addition and subtraction problems that use positive and negative integers. 1c. Students will know that the lithospheric plates the size of continents and oceans move at rates of centimeters per year in response to movement in the mantle. 1.0 I want you to be able to solve problems that involve fractions. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Calculate and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Students will know that California is located on a plate boundary where major geologic events occur. I want you to tell me what a fraction is and how it is used. Use your Cornell notes to show me what you have learned. AGENDA Introduce chapter 2-4 and 2-5, Adding and Subtracting Integers. Check Chapter 1 foldable, pg 78 Show Brain Pop on adding and subtracting integers. Introduce chapter 5-1: Interactions at Plate Boundaries Check foldable, pg 207. Show Brain Pop on Continental Drift Look a Continental Drift Video. Chapter 1 Make seating chart Review class rules Do the pretest DO NOW ACTIVITY Get out your foldable. Solve the 6 practice problems that are on the board. Work with study buddy to finish homework assignment. Design an interactions plate boundary with a drawing or use clay models. Take out your program card and make sure it gets signed. Start making you time table chart from 1 x1 to 12 x 12. HOMEWORK Start reading Adding Integers on page 93. Do problems `1-54, pg 98 to 99. Read Subtracting Integers on page 101 and do problems 1-59 pg 105 to `106. Start reading Lesson 1, Interactions at Plate boundaries on pg 210 to Answer questions 1 to 9 on page 221. Complete the chart on Target Your Reading on page 209. Complete lesson 1 work. TEST Test will be on adding and subtracting positive and negative integers. Your test will be on Interactions at Plate Boundaries. Lesson 1 test to be announced. EXTRA CREDIT Make the foldable on page 78. Label on side with lesson 2-4, 2-5 and use it to place your notes on it. Keep this foldable in your folder and add more lessons when get to them later on in the school year Make a model of Interaction of plate boundaries on page 211, 212, or 213 using clay, blocks, or paper mache. Bring model in the class and explain your findings. Make a fraction shape using the Blue Base 10 blocks.

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