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DIKE Meeting 14/02/2018 Action points.

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Presentation on theme: "DIKE Meeting 14/02/2018 Action points."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIKE Meeting 14/02/2018 Action points

2 Agenda Items 1 & 2 (agenda and update on CIS)
Agenda was adopted – no action point

3 Agenda Item 3 & 4 (guidance on reporting and testing)
A new test phase of the reporting tools will start tomorrow (15/02/18) for 5 weeks. Input from MS is key in order to improve the system and make it more robust. After test phase, necessary updates will be prepared and sent to MSCG for approval. Deadline: 9/04.

4 Agenda Item 5 (prefilling XML files)
Preparation of lists of elements for D1: Those that missed the compilation of the lists for the testing exercise can still provide input to be considered for the reporting phase (by end of March). List of contaminants for 2018 MSFD reporting: 9 MS still need to contribute to this exercise  (check and update this list)  (by end of March).

5 Agenda Item 6 Numerous actions required in relation to Marine Reporting Units. EC/EEA will send an after the meeting about what is exactly needed, who to send the information to, folder where to save the info (MRUs, shape files, code lists, water bodies they want to aggregate for D5, use pre filled data for which descriptor …). Deadline: End of May MS should check the list of MSFD reporters and let the EEA know about modifications. Deadline 30/06

6 Agenda Item 7 – focused outputs from 2018 reporting
EEA and EC would appreciate to receive ideas from MS about the way data will be used / represented. Deadline: end of March MS to provide inputs/ comments on paper 07 (Focused outputs from 2018 reporting). Deadline: end of February 2018.

7 Agenda Item 8 – Interim report on POM:
EC to confirm the deadline for reporting under Article 18 (same for all MS or depending on the date of submission of POMs / date of public consultation?) after the meeting

8 Agenda Item 9 & 10 – TG DATA & WISE Marine
No action points

9 Next WG DIKE Meeting Monday 1/10/18

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