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CLAIM processing – chronological time line

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1 CLAIM processing – chronological time line
SETTLEMENT CANCELLATION SPLIT TRANSFORMATION Creation of the claim Ex date Pay date & onwards ISO new message to be created to report creation and status of claims ISO MT564: 1) creation of a new status 23G:: CLAI to be used when reporting claims' details and statuses 2) new set of references to be created in the linkage sequence - a) MITI to report the T2S/CREST reference, b) ASRF to report the custodian reference for internalised transactions, and c) SETT to report the client reference of the underlying settlement transation generating the claim 3) create a new qualifier 22F:: CLAI to report the status of the claim as: a) NEWM - new claim raised (either in the market or internally) b) CANC - claim cancelled. In this case, we need sub-reason codes to identify whether the cancellation is due to a split, a transformation or a bilateral cancellation 4) no bulking should be recommended ISO MT566 introduce the same set of references identified in the MT564: b) ASRF to report the custodian reference for internalised transactions

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