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Color Symbolism in Life and Literature

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Presentation on theme: "Color Symbolism in Life and Literature"— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Symbolism in Life and Literature
Interpreting Fitzgerald’s Use of Color in The Great Gatsby

2 The Psychology of Color Association
Color affects people’s moods The intensity, tint and shade of the color influences mood Examples: Orange is energizing Peach is soothing

3 RED Stimulates appetite Raises blood pressure Attracts attention
Creates excitement Takes control It is force, bold, extreme, aggressive, impulsive and energetic

4 RED suggests… Physical strength Rejuvenation Self confidence Love
Passion Danger Courage Vitality

5 ORANGE Associated with thirst and refreshment
Creates a sense of order and equality without power & control Decreases hostility & irritability Considered friendly, cheerful and happy Is an “antidepressant”

6 ORANGE suggests… Social Gregarious Active Jovial Fickle Extroverted

7 YELLOW Stimulates memory Increases mental clarity Aids in digestion
Stimulates circulation Signals frustration and cautions

8 YELLOW suggests… Optimism Warmth Cheerfulness Wisdom Brightness

9 GREEN Represents health and prosperity Refreshes the spirit
Suggests balance and harmony Confers a sense of relaxation and comfort

10 GREEN suggests… Replenishment Growth Birth Envy Inexperience Wealth
Compassion Concentration Security

11 BLUE Slows metabolism Lowers blood pressure
Decreases heartburn and indigestion Is non-threatening Relieves headaches and insomnia

12 BLUE suggests… Refreshment Soothing Calm Dependable Leisure Authority

13 PURPLE Contains elements of surprise and magic Represents loyalty
Suggests romance Eases the mind and overactive glands Conveys elegance and creativity Suppresses appetite

14 PURPLE suggests… Imagination Passion Wisdom Reverence Inspiration
Spirituality Enlightenment Quietness

15 BLACK suggests… Sophistication Elegance Dignity Power Worldliness
Aloofness Intimidation Mystery Death

16 WHITE suggests… Purity Innocence Cleanliness Youth Naivete
Cold (emotions)

17 GRAY suggests… Intelligence Guarded behavior Sense of discipline
Lack of assertiveness

18 Brown suggests… Warmth Comfort Solidarity
Less intense behavioral responses

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