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LAMAS Working Group June 2017

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Presentation on theme: "LAMAS Working Group June 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMAS Working Group 19-21 June 2017
Agenda item 3.2 List of topics / variables for the labour market domain: process Eurostat

2 Introduction TF3 in charge of the consolidated list of all LFS variables for inclusion in the implementing act Last presentation of the list in June 2016 Update on current situation Quarterly, annual and 2-yearly variables only Development of explanatory notes Eurostat

3 List of variables (Excel file)
Sheet 'Information' Explanation of file contents Sheet 'Overview total' EU-LFS variables proposed under IESS FR Variable identifier and name, current or new variable, topic and detailed topic, standardised variable or not, periodicity, TF in charge, when agreed Sheet 'Deleted variables' Current EU-LFS variables already agreed to remove; variables discussed but finally not included Sheet 'Planning 2Y / 8Y' Eurostat

4 Explanatory notes (1) To be developed by TF in charge
Template (Annex 2 of the document) All relevant information to ensure harmonised implementation of the variable Key information will be part of the implementing act (coding annex) Variable identifier and name Data transmission codes (codes or value) Filter Periodicity, block, column Topic and detailed topic Eurostat

5 Explanatory notes (2) Current situation
Depends on variable Eurostat to prepare a consolidated version based on TF agreed version Consistency across variables LAMAS consultation in two rounds End of August – October 2017 January – March 2018 LAMAS comments of utmost importance, in particular on the implementation guidelines Final LAMAS agreement: June 2018 Eurostat

6 LAMAS is invited to: take note of the preliminary list of variables presented in annex 1 check whether there are no errors or mistakes in the overview take note of the process for preparing the explanatory notes Eurostat

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