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Redcliffe State High School

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1 Redcliffe State High School
High Reliability School PLT Intervention

2 Professional Development
Monitor overall plan Communicate the vision Monitor Marzano Taxonomy Text Checker Monitor Janelle Wills Visit HRS Review as part of the Strategic Review Intervention follow up

3 Professional Development
Maintain HOD observations and Critical Friends: - HOD lead internal PD: Research and visit other schools: Executive Team visited Helensvale SHS to look at what they do with a view to forming a partnership where PLTs can share practices and ideas. External: Solution Tree is offering PD: High Reliability Schools Institute (people who rsvp’d) Virtual: Shona looking into Virtual PD opportunities: How a PLT functions/Leading a PLT, Assessment and Level 2 & 3 Intervention - Session 1 – Tuesday 13 June (3-4pm)

4 Strategic Plan 2017 HRS Strategy monitored:
Every faculty will implement Proficiency Scales in Yr 7, 8 and 9 using the SABER Spreadsheet Every teacher will effectively use Learning Goals every lesson for all year levels PLTs will operate using the Meeting Norms, PLT Protocols and the Collective Commitments PLT data sheets to be established (Ian King) and used in all PLTs at the appropriate times Plus levels to be included in the Proficiency Scales (ONLY between S – A = A+, A – B = B+ and B – E = E+) and SABER Spreadsheet – see below. First formative test (pre-test) to focus on pre-requisite knowledge and vocab – (B or E level) – baseline level. PLT Intervention process to be clearly outlined – this was undertaken at the start of 2017 in the SFDs and Shona recently produced the Redcliffe SHS Learning Cycle to be introduced to teachers as an overview. PD/Observations on Assessment types – Valerie spoke about the work she is doing. Chris and Nicki are keen to trial Student Generated Assessment. Shona is looking for PD based around the three types of assessment.

5 Links between PS and TASTi targets - feedback
Suggestion to move Term 1 and Term 3 reporting forward to Week 5-7 was endorsed at SLT. Changes will occur in Term 3 this year as a result of this discussion.

6 Marzano All PLTs are to use vocab and essential learnings to determine baseline when determining/reviewing Proficiency Scales.

7 Nicki distributed a tool in 2016 which analyses the vocab and provides guidance on the age readiness for the text. She will distribute again.

8 Response to Intervention
Maria outlined changes in the Tier 3 AIR processes. We discussed Tier 2 as the challenge to provide ‘iTime’

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