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Drew, Nancy, Stephen, and John

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1 Drew, Nancy, Stephen, and John
John T. Doe Drew, Nancy, Stephen, and John 1234 Name Dr. Dallas, TX Cell: Home:

2 Ministry Philosophy Personal Background Formal Education
Write a concise paragraph of three to four sentences on your perspective or passion for ministry. This should describe your passion, focus, what you value and how that practically carries out in your ministry. This section helps a ministry evaluate how you fit within their philosophy. Personal Background Childhood: A sentence or two with your birthdate, where you were born and your childhood years. Conversion: A short paragraph on your conversion experience (include date). Calling: A sentence or two on how God called you into ministry. Ordination ad Licensing: Include locations and dates. Marital Commitment: A paragraph about your spouse and family, i.e. where your spouse was born, where they went to college, where they worked (if applicable), their gifts and talents, your marital relationship, and names and birthdates of your children. Include dates rather than ages to keep your resume current. Interests: A brief listing of your hobbies and interests. Only list three or four. Formal Education List highest level of training first. List only schools where a degree was received. Also list any degrees in progress. Do not list GPA or high school. Graduate: Name of School Location Degree Earned—Month/year Emphasis: Include any special honor (i.e. Magna Cum Laude) Undergraduate: Future Goal: Optional. List other degrees you wish to earn and where you plan on earning them if you think it’s appropriate for the position you’re applying for. Continuing Education Give title of seminar, location and date. List seminars or conferences which will strengthen your resume in the area (pastoral, youth, counseling, etc) you desire to serve. Publications List the magazine/book title, the publisher and the date John T. Doe Page 2

3 Ministry Experience Honors/Awards Spiritual Giftedness
Begin with your most recent position first. Include both paid and volunteer positions but don’t label your positions as paid/non-paid. Give prominence to the three or four positions that best qualify you. Use present tense, active verbs to describe your current position and past tense verbs for your previous positions. Include preaching, speaking, and teaching engagements. Name of Ministry, month/year—month/year City, State Position Title. A paragraph or bullet points highlighting your key responsibilities and accomplishments within this ministry. If you have held several positions at this same ministry, group each one in this same section. This highlights longevity and commitment. Name of Ministry, month/year—month/year City, State Position Title. A paragraph or bullet points highlighting your key responsibilities and accomplishments within this ministry. If you have held several positions at this same ministry, group each one in this same section. This highlights longevity and commitment.. Honors/Awards List any special honors or awards associated with your education and/or ministry experience. Spiritual Giftedness List your top three or four gifts, strengths and abilities here. Gift/strength/ability Leadership Style This is optional. Usually this section is for senior pastor positions only. Write a sentence or two about your leadership style. Another option for this space is to include your life verse, or include another family photo or a photo of you doing ministry. John T. Doe Page 3

4 Additional references available upon request
Work Experience List most recent position first. Name of Company, month/year—month/year City, State Position Title. A sentence or bullet points highlighting your key responsibilities and accomplishments. References Include several types of references (personal, professional, employer). List your three to four strongest and indicate more available if needed. Always ask references before listing them and give them a copy of your resume. Name of Reference Name of Reference Relationship to Reference Relationship to Reference Reference’s Job Title Reference’s Job Title Place of Employment Place of Employment Address Line Address Line 1 Address Line Address Line 2 Phone Number Phone Number Additional references available upon request John T. Doe Page 4

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