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SQA Updates Sqa information night is to inform you of the changes to the NQs Its important that you realise the qualifications being taken by.

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Presentation on theme: "SQA Updates Sqa information night is to inform you of the changes to the NQs Its important that you realise the qualifications being taken by."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQA Updates Sqa information night is to inform you of the changes to the NQs Its important that you realise the qualifications being taken by S4 are really only the first step and National qualifications in Scotland are only a very small part of a whole framework of qualifications represented here CLICK

2 This is the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework and sets the place of the Qualifications we offer as the first step on a pathway to final qualifications This framework allows employers to compare different qualifications as each qualification is assigned a SCQF level based on hours of study and level of difficulty So as you can see a Foundation Apprenticeship is set at the same SCQF level as a Higher ---SCQF 6

3 Where you can find information about your child's qualifications??
Parent page

4 Preparing for coursework Other useful resources from SQA
Studying for exams Preparing for coursework Other useful resources from SQA Changes to assessment in National Courses Internal Resources External resources This website has all the info you require with useful links to timetables/ past papers /study tips coursework details for every subject/ And importantly lists the changes to NQ at Nat 5 the Tonight is about summarising main point on this and preparing you for more of the same next session

5 This session Unit passes are not mandatory D pass extended from to
Previously This session 3 unit passes essential Unit passes are not mandatory Course exam pass Assignment D Pass 45-49% D pass extended from to 40% - 49% To achieve a course award at Nat 5 pupils must still pass the May exam Complete an assignment or folio in school which is marked externally and contributes to overall mark But they no longer need to pass unit assessments This change is intended to reduce teacher workload and reduce stress for candidates However teachers still require evidence on which to base their judgement on whether a pupil should be presented at National 5 successfully This judgement is based very much on the progress made since moving from the BGE Homework class assessments and of course the schedule exam Its essential that pupils are presented at the correct level so that they can achieve success. What is the correct Level?

6 Options National 5 Course National 4 Course National 3 Course
SCQF Level 5 units Basically in the new system a pupil in s4 can be presented at National 3, 4 or 5 Only National 5 has an external exam A new option is that pupils who are not being presented for the Nat 5 exam can still be credited with the units if there is evidence to support this In February we will decide which option is best although you should already be seeing writing on the wall from tracking reports where ratings and comments are suggesting that a pupil is working below target

7 Varies but generally 3 unit passes equivalent to Nat 4 course award
Option Tariff Points National 5 course A= 84 B =74 C = 64 D = 59 National 4 course 33 National 3 course 12 SCQF Level 5 Units Varies but generally 3 unit passes equivalent to Nat 4 course award Which option that we suggest will be based not on the worth of the course As you can see in terms of tariff a Nat 4 course is worth as much as a SCQF units We will base our recommendation on the individual on what they already have achieved in Units and how this will place them to progress next session In some subjects Nat 4 course will be better like English but in others e.g. science it might be units CLICK It will be in best interests of your child

8 Options National 5 Course National 4 Course National 3 Course
SCQF Level 5 units It will be in best interests of your child Please try to look at the big picture Attainment review evidence suggests that compared to our comparators pupils in St Ambrose lack quality We will not wait until February to gather evidence because that would be unfair on a pupil so you will hear your son /daughter talking about unit assessments They are the means by which are are tracking progress

9 National 5 English Pass / Fail Essential to achieve a Nat 5 award
The course has a spoken English Component which is assessed as a separate unit Pass / Fail Essential to achieve a Nat 5 award It is worth mentioning that the only subject where a pupil must pass a unit in order to achieve a course award Innate 5 English The course has a spoken English Component which is assessed as a separate unit It’s a Pass / Fail Essential to achieve a Nat 5 award Your child will be notified of this unit in good time

10 NLC Guidelines As an alternative to National 5 Course Award
What will we do ? - discussion We are doing very much the same as other schools across the authority and NLC are putting together a policy which is nearly in its final form to support schools in advice to pupils and parents

11 Schedules 10th January to 25th January
Pupils in S4 in St Ambrose are preparing at this point 7 National 5 qualifications Part ;of this preparation is the schedules 10th January to 25th January at this point The results of these exams along side a wealth of evidence will provide the basis for our recommendation for presentation.

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