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Welcome to Day Eight.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Day Eight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Day Eight

2 Agenda Linear Function Video Cases Break COMP Assessments Lunch
Paper Pool Math Art Reflection

3 Considering the Task

4 Reconsidering the Task
Recall how you approached the task. Reflect on the strategies you used to solve the task. Share your thinking with a partner.

5 Preparing to View Video
Norms for viewing teacher video. Make notes of important and/or significant aspects of the video. Video Transcriptions

6 Video 1:

7 Video Discussion Consider these questions individually, then discuss with a partner. What evidences of student thinking did you observe? What was an important point you noticed in the video? Where there any evidences of the SMP’s?

8 Math Notes What SMP’s did you find yourself engaging in with the task?
What was mathematically significant for you as you interacted with the task, task strategies and videos? What are the important mathematical ideas you want to remember about this session?


10 COMP Assessments

11 Lunch

12 COMP Assessments


14 COMP 6-8 Year 2 Discussion Wednesday – Friday, August 3 ­– 5, 2016 (3 days: teachers paid a stipend) Saturday, September 17, 2016 (1 day: teacher paid a stipend) Lesson Study Day (1 day: sub costs paid to schools) Tuesday, September 27, 2016: Grade 6 (Group 1) Wednesday, September 28, 2016: Grade 6 (Group 2) Thursday, September 29, 2016: Grade 7 Friday, September 30, 2016: Grade 8 OCTM Conference Presentation Day: Thursday OR Friday, October 27 OR 28, 2016 (1 day: sub costs paid to schools) Saturday, January 21, 2016 (1 day: teacher paid a stipend) Tuesday, January 31, 2017: Grade 6 (Group 1) Wednesday, February 1, 2017: Grade 6 (Group 2) Thursday, February 2, 2017: Grade 7 Friday, February 3, 2017: Grade 8 Wednesday – Friday, June 14 – 16 & Monday – Friday, June 19 – 23, 2017 (8 days: teachers paid a stipend) TOTAL PD DAYS FOR YEAR 3: 16 days (teachers only out of the classroom for 3)

15 Paper Pool

16 Math Camp – Math Art

17 Final Reflection and Information
Meeting Dates: August 3 – 5, 2016 Lesson Study Dates Please help put the room back into order

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