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Journal #13 What do you think?

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1 Journal #13 What do you think?
What drugs are most widely used among young people? Which drug, when used, do you think will cut short the lives of the greatest number of people? Which drug do you think is the easiest to obtain? Which drug do you think is most publicized by the media as being dangerous? Which drugs do you think have the strongest laws and penalties against their use?


3 TOBACCO NOTES NICOTINE – addictive stimulant found in tobacco.
STIMULANT – increase functions of the Central Nervous System. CARCINOGENS – cancer causing agents. CHEWING TOBACCO – held between cheek and gum & absorbed through the blood stream.

4 PASSIVE SMOKE – nonsmoker breathing smoke from someone else’s cigarette.
MAINSTREAM SMOKE – smoke that a smoker inhales. WITHDRAWAL – what your body goes through when you are physically dependent on a drug and then suddenly taken off it.

5 Tobacco Cigarette smoking is one of the most important source of preventable morbidity and premature mortality in the US. It is responsible for 30% of all deaths in developed countries.

6 Adolescents 82% of smokers begin before the age of 21.
After 5 cigarettes, 70% of kids become long-term smokers. The tobacco industry knows this and that’s why they give away free samples at places that kids frequent. 9 out of 10 kids would rather not date a smoker. 9 out of 10 kids start before age 18. 6 out of 10 kids start before age 14. 9 out of 10 adult smokers wish they could quit.

7 Women Women are beginning at a younger age and smoking more heavily.
5 years after they have their first menstrual period is the most dangerous. During puberty the cells that make up the breast are developing so rapidly they are more susceptible to damage caused by the carcinogens in tobacco smoke. Smoking is related to osteoporosis, spontaneous abortion, and placenta previa.

8 Smoking affects men’s sexual function
Men’s Health Smoking affects men’s sexual function Men who smoke a pack of cigarettes or more a day are 39% more likely to have erectile dysfunction compared with nonsmokers, according to a study published in the March issue of Tobacco Control. Researchers also discovered that men who smoked a pack or less a day were 24% more likely to report difficulties maintaining an erection. -HEALTHDAY

9 Cost The average lifetime medical costs for smokers exceed non-smokers by $6000. Smokers are absent from work an average of 6.5 more days per year. The average smoker spends over $1000 per year on cigarettes.

10 Cost Breakdown…. Average Price of Cigarettes in Michigan: 13th Highest in US $6.81 per pack At one pack per day: = $47.67 a week = $ a month = $2, a year = 9, for 4 years of high school =$11,440 for 5 years of smoking by the time you're $114,408

11 That could buy you….. 90+ Flights to London

12 Tobacco Industry All cigarettes are made of the same things. They all come from the same fields; they are all processed in the same buildings, and they all contain the same chemicals. They are packaged in different colors and given different names to attract different segments of the population.

13 Advertising Ever hear of the Marlboro Woman? When Marlboro cigarettes were first introduced in the 1950’s they were targeted at women. They did not sell so the company switched to men. All three Marlboro men have died of lung cancer. Have you ever seen a female model smoking Winston's? A truck driver smoking Virginia Slims? That’s how good the tobacco industry is at creating images. It’s all the same stuff in the cigarette. People buy the image.

14 Cigarettes are advertised more than any other product in the world.
Spends over $4 billion per year for advertising and promotion (that’s $160 per second) They paid Madonna $6 million to spit and smoke in the movie “A League of their Own” They spend $6 million on ads for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue because teenage boys buy it.

15 Experiment

16 Tobacco Facts Smokers are at least 2 times more likely to be completely impotent than non-smokers Use of cigarettes by an average smoker destroys about one tree every 2 weeks For every 8 smokers, the tobacco industry kills, it takes 1 non-smoker with them

17 Factors which impact positive Health Behaviors
Knowledge Self-efficacy Skills Environmental support

18 Factors which impact positive Health Behaviors
Knowledge People need to know the facts about health issues and health consequences for taking different actions. They must also recognize their own personal vulnerability if they engage in risky behavior Self Efficacy People need to believe they can make a difference by what they do

19 Factors which impact positive Health Behaviors con’t
Skills People need to learn and practice the skills they need to choose healthy behaviors and avoid risky behaviors. The more they practice the more likely they will use the skills Environmental Support People need support from the people and organizations around them in order to maintain a healthy behavior. By working together, family, school, peers, school environment, and community can enhance a person’s success


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