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4D Trajectory Management

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1 4D Trajectory Management
Lugovaya Ann, student Kyiv, National Aviation University Supervisor: O. Luppo

2 The 4D Trajectory Management - the possibility for Airspace Users to fly preferred route without reference to the ATS route network. It controls the development of the business or mission trajectories (BDT to SBT to RBT) in 4 dimensions (latitude, longitude, flight-level and time).

3 The framework of the 4D Trajectory Management
flexibility, which is in the form of agreed trajectories provides the safe and efficient creation, amendment and distribution of trajectory data; cost effectiveness, which provides an optimal trajectory of flight. The framework of the 4D Trajectory Management

4 Using free routing 1) improved flight efficiency in both fuel efficiency and business/mission effectiveness; 2)flexibility which offers the airspace users the possibility to plan their flight trajectories with lots of options; 3)the effectiveness of the environment or fuel efficiency, allowing to fly with the preferred trajectories and reducing the distance flown, with reducing flight emissions and fuel burnt.

5 Integrated Airport Operations Collaborative Planning
The Key to Successful Business Trajectory Integrated Airport Operations Collaborative Planning SWIM Human

6 What is 4-D Trajectory Management?
The Reference Business Trajectory / Mission Trajectory EXECUTED RBT Current Position AUTHORIZED AGREED CTA “The unique 4D description of the trajectory”

7 4D-Trajectory-based Concept
Main Benefits of the Business Trajectory: • Get as close as possible to the user-preferred trajectory (shortest distance / optimized profile between two points) • Have a common and shared representation of the flight information between the aircraft and the ground • Make the best use of technologies and procedures (FMS, Airlines Operating Centers, weather prediction…)

8 Initial 4D operations consist in giving a time constraint at merging point to each aircraft converging to this point, in order to sequence the traffic. • Typical merging point could be Initial Approach Fix points, in the vicinity of congested airports (CTA given before Top of Descent) • Impact on airborne systems : light avionics upgrade (COM and NAV) with limited cost • Impact on airborne systems : Arrival Manager (AMAN) and DL COM capabilities The application of initial 4D trajectory operations is improved by the use of the Airline operational flight plan.

9 I4D Airspace Users SWIM NETWORK ANSPs Airports Trajectory Exchange

10 Thanks For Your Attention!

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