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Introduction to Workshop 9 November 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Workshop 9 November 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Workshop 9 November 2017

2 What is Life QI? Life QI is a web software platform built to support and manage quality improvement work in health and social care. It makes it easy for teams to run QI projects and organisations to report on QI activity.

3 The elements of Life

4 Getting started with Life

5 Log into your account


7 Sidebar menu

8 Profile and notifications

9 Projects and discussions

10 Pinned discussion

11 Project sidebar Sidebar menu

12 Set your aim

13 Sidebar minimised

14 Aim pulls through from previous screen

15 https://scotpublichealth

16 @AmandaConsSci This is an example of how simple QI can be.
So this small boy has their aim: “Which method of waking up would make daddy the grouchiest?” and they’ve also got their measures “Grouch meter” here ranging from smiley to “grr” They’ve also put in their change ideas – poke, pinch, tickle, bring tea, and their PDSA cycles: “date”/ “how grouch?”

17 What are we trying to accomplish?
How will we know if a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? #QIin4objects

18 What are we trying to accomplish?
How will we know if a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? #QIin4objects

19 https://scotpublichealth


21 Process Outcome Balancing

22 http://www. nhsemployers



25 Life QI

26 Getting started with Life

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