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The Interactive Notebook

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1 The Interactive Notebook
A spiral notebook is used by each student for recording information for the class; each pair of pages is designated for different purposes.  →The right side of the notebook is used to record notes on a lecture, reading, class discussion, etc.  This facilitates note-taking…a critical skill… → The left side of the notebook is used solely for the purpose of the student’s individual interaction with the information on the right page. This facilitates making connections…

2 Notebook Layout Left Side of the Notebook Right Side of the Notebook
Extends, rewords, paraphrases notes: Enter a drawing, photo, sketch, or magazine picture that illustrates the concept, ideas, or facts Pose questions about the information Express an opinion Predict outcomes or next steps Formulate and record a contradictory perspective: agree or disagree Write a reflection on the information or experience Find a quote that connects to the concept; record it and explain your rationale Make connections between the information/text and your own life, another text, and/or the world Create an acronym that will help you to remember the information covered Make connections to the content/processes of other courses      Right Side of the Notebook Notes on a: Mini-lesson Lecture Reading Film/video/documentary Small group or large group discussion Collaborative group process A copied excerpt of a text Journal entry Reflection assignment Cultural event Seminar/roundtable observations       

3 What It Might Look Like…

4 A more visual way of explaining it:

5 Example of homework on right side for notes and left side for understanding → left side is work in progress – you may work on it during the week we go over the chapter . Page #4 Page #5 Chapter 1 – 10 Principles of Economics . Left Side – processing Examples of tradeoffs –studying for tests! Only so much time in day – time = resource Piece of pie Opportunity cost – if I get a job, I can’t do a sport after school. Principle #1 People make tradeoffs Limited resources Unlimited wants Principle 2 Opportunity cost Implicit plus explicit costs

6 Getting started

7 Setting up your notebook
Keep the first 3 or more pages for a table of contents. Hint: Leave ample space for entries…as you want a nicely formatted end product…

8 Getting started . P. 4 p. 5 Always label your page numbers
Always date your entries Always provide a subject matter/ objectives (class notes) textbook chapter . . .etc. USE COLOR when you are reviewing key words and ideas

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