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Definition of “Day 2 Deployment Date” Mod-11-17

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1 Definition of “Day 2 Deployment Date” Mod-11-17
Modification Committee 77 Definition of “Day 2 Deployment Date” Mod-11-17

2 Definition of Day 2 Deployment Date
Currently there are a number of independent Interim Provisions which seem to be all linked to the same Day 2 Deferral Date. We are concerned that this may create problems and potentially lead to further modifications in the future.

3 Definition of Day 2 Deployment Date
It would seem prudent now to create independent references to a certain date, so that these provisions can be reversed. The current wording for Interim provision H.7 is : “Until the date that is the Day 2 Deployment Date, Appendix G paragraph 14 shall be replaced by the following……”

4 The RAs suggest that the Day 2 Deployment Date wording should be:
“Until the date that is the"Mod_11_17 Deployment Date, Appendix G paragraph 14 shall be replaced by the following:…………………………..”

5 Next Steps: There are three options:
RAs will making drafting change as part of the FRR approval process. A new version of the Mod – Version 2 will be circulated and voted on. The RAs raise a separate modification to amend the definition of “Day 2 Deployment Date”

6 Thank you!

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