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Modeling data revisions

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling data revisions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling data revisions

2 Monetary Policy: Analytical Revisions
What Happens When Economists or Policymakers Revise Conceptual Variables? Output gap Natural rate of unemployment Equilibrium real interest rate Concepts are never observed, but are centerpiece of macroeconomic theory

3 Monetary Policy: Analytical Revisions
Orphanides (2001): Fed overreacted to perceived output gap in 1970s, causing Great Inflation; but output gap was mismeasured

4 Output Gap Revisions Most U.S. analysts look at CBO measure, but it is revised extensively over time Problem is especially acute at the end of the sample

5 Potential Output Potential output is a variable that we care about but cannot observe As we get new data over time, we revise our view of potential output, using various statistical procedures Example: CBO’s measure





10 Monetary Policy: Analytical Revisions
What Happens When Economists or Policymakers Revise Conceptual Variables? Key issue: end-of-sample inference for forward-looking concepts (filters) Key issue: optimal model of evolution of analytical concepts Most work is statistical; perhaps a theoretical breakthrough is needed

11 Key Macroeconomic Variables
Real-Time Data Research Center at Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Conceptual Variables: Estimation implemented by Fed RAs First one: Weekly macro factor from Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti

12 Key Macroeconomic Variables
We would like to add a useful measure of potential output The CBO measure of potential output is convenient and has a track record (available on ALFRED) The Real-Time Data Research Center would like to add a better measure

13 Big Problem: Benchmark Revisions
Cause sharp break in middle of “look ahead” Can’t avoid them: benchmarks about every 5 years & look ahead = 5 years Problem: benchmarks hit in same vintage but that is a different j for every t

14 How Big Are Benchmark Revisions?
Examine Stark plots

15 Stark Plots X(t,s) = level Plot log [X(t,b)/X(t,a)] — m, b>a
m = mean{log[X(τ,b)/X(τ,a)]}, b>a, for all τ in common Trends Spikes Persistent deviations from linear trend








23 Stark Plots Result: Cross-vintage differences at many frequencies
Interpretation: Benchmark revisions matter considerably

24 How Big Are Benchmark Revisions?
Don’t revisions eventually settle down? A few examples

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