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Greek & Latin roots 3.3 and 3.4.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek & Latin roots 3.3 and 3.4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek & Latin roots 3.3 and 3.4

2 Abstain To not do something; refrain

3 Adept Skilled; expert at

4 Aptitude Skill or suitability for

5 Confound To confuse and frustrate

6 Deplete To use up; waste

7 Disposition Attitude or mood

8 Effigy A figure constructed in mockery

9 Figment Something invented or imaginary

10 Formative Occurring at the time of most influence

11 Implement To put into action; execute

12 Impose To forcibly place upon

13 Inept Unskilled; clumsy

14 Infuse To inject; to fill something or someone with

15 Inhibit To get in the way of; hinder

16 Misinformation Untrue or wrong information

17 Posit To put forth; assert

18 Prefigure To look like or predict a later thing or event

19 Prohibit To stop one from doing something; prevent

20 Reform To bring back to rightness, order, or morality

21 Replete Filled up with

22 Retinue A group that attends an important person

23 Suffuse To fill up from within; to spread throughout

24 Sustain To support for an extended period of time

25 Tenacious Stubbornly persistent; determined

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