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The Reformation Elsewhere

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1 The Reformation Elsewhere

2 I. Zwingli, Calvin and Henry VIII
Switzerland, France and England had church reform movements almost simultaneously with Germany. DQ #1 “What were the basic similarities and differences b/t the ideas of Luther and Zwingli?”

3 II. Ulrich Zwingli From where? (A bit of background on Zwingli)
Scripture Test:

4 3. Marburg Colloquy Arranged by Philip I of Hesse (who was he?)
Phil wanted to unite________&________ protestants in a mutual______________. c) This promised to be a significant political alliance so… Phil brought Luther and Zwingli together hoping they could Did NOT happen.  WHY NOT?

5 4. Differences b/t Zwingli & Luther
Eucharist i. Zwingli ii. Luther Music Marriage for clergy? Viewed as being a bit “nuts” because

6 III. John Calvin From where? Marriage for clergy?
His belief about transubstantiation?

7 Predestination (a HUGE must-know b/c this is what separates Calvin from Zwingli and Luther).
a) What is it? Who are the “Elect” according to Calvin? Free Will: a contradiction b/c

8 Reorders society based on morality. Wanted to create a ___________.
(don’t forget, Luther wanted a separation of ____________&____________). Puritan Work Ethic? Institutes of Christian religion Forerunners of Presbyterians a) John Knox b) Huguenots? (KEY)

9 The 6 Wives of Henry VIII

10 Portraits of Henry VIII’s Wives

11 IV. Henry VIII (His wives: divorced, beheaded, dead, divorced, beheaded, survived.) Defender of the Faith (1521) a) Pope Leo X (same pope who excommunicated Luther) confers this title on Henry in 1521. 2) Marriage to Catherine of Aragon (who was the aunt of Charles V ! ! )

12 Act of Succession (1534) Act of Supremacy (1534) a) firmly est. monarch as head of ______ b) known forever after as the Church of England or the _________Church. c) Divorce not his only motive. He wanted ____________________. d) Also, this act deemed it treasonous to support ____________and not_______. e) Enter…Thomas More

13 Thomas More a) Henry VIII’s closest___________. b) More refused to recognize both the c) More was summarily___________. d) Canonized a saint by Catholic Church in (200 years later )

14 England’s monasteries and nunneries close in 1536-1538.
Conservative Protestantism a) Ten Articles of 1536: made some mild concessions to Protestant tenants, but maintained _______________. b) Forbade clergy to __________. c) Issued the Six Articles of 1539, which i. Reaffirmed__________ ii. Ordered iii. Declared celibate laws______.

15 Target/Bullseye

16 V. Henry VIII’s Legacy Monarch’s would attempt to create a purely___________or__________church Edward VI (10 when he becomes king…dies at age 16 ) a) Henry’s son with 3rd wife Jane Seymour. b) Makes the Church purely____________. c) “Act of Uniformity”. To make all churches uniform, abolishes all idols (_____) and altars. d) Protestant churches plain vs._______.

17 Passes Second Act of Uniformity
a) Thomas Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer is in all churches. b) Cranmer burned in 1556 for heresy under the Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary. Justification of Faith: made it a _______ doctrine. Sacraments? What is most supreme? Transubstantiation?

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