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…and how to set it up for To Kill a Mockingbird

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Presentation on theme: "…and how to set it up for To Kill a Mockingbird"— Presentation transcript:

1 …and how to set it up for To Kill a Mockingbird
Smash Book …and how to set it up for To Kill a Mockingbird

2 Page 1: Title Page

3 Page 2: Main Characters

4 Page 3-4: Background

5 Page 5-6: Ch. 1 Vocabulary to Know

6 Page 5-6: Ch. 1 Vocabulary to Know

7 Page 7-8: Ch. 1 Notes

8 Page 9: Ch. 1 Connections

9 Page 10: Ch. 1 Themes & Messages

10 The rest of the book… Vocab to Know (2 pages) Notes (2 pages)
Continue in your book, filling out these pages for each chapter you read: Vocab to Know (2 pages) Notes (2 pages) What It Said What I Think Connections (1 page) Text to Text Text to Self Text to World Themes & Messages (1 page)

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