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Ministry of Transport and Communications December 2004

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1 Ministry of Transport and Communications December 2004
TEN-T DEVELOPMENT IN BULGARIA Ministry of Transport and Communications December 2004

2 Main Priorities in Transport Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Bulgaria
Reconstruction and modernization of the existing transport infrastructure, complying with the standards and requirements of the member-states of the European Union; Development of the transport infrastructure along the routes of the Pan-European Transport Corridors on Bulgarian territory, transforming it into an integral part of the Trans-European Transport Network; Development and modernization of the transport safety systems, introducing modern telecommunication and information systems; Ministry of Transport and Communications 2

3 Main Priorities in Transport Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Bulgaria (2)
Balancing and complementing infrastructure development among individual transport modes Further broadening of free market principles in infrastructure development and its financing in particular Ensuring the importance of environmental considerations in major transport infrastructure planning Ministry of Transport and Communications 3

4 Pan-European transport corridors
to Kiev, Moscow, and Helsinki to Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Prague, and Dresden to Belgrade, Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, and Rotterdam to Black Sea Rousse Vidin Varna to Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Budapest, and Vienna Sofia Bourgas Plovdiv Corridor IV Corridor VII Corridor VIII Corridor IX Corridor X to Skopje and Tirana to Istanbul to Thessalonica and Athens to Alexandropoulos Ministry of Transport and Communications 4

5 Major infrastructure projects
New bridge across the Danube river near Vidin Winter camp for Danube river ships Lom Vidin Rousse Reconstruction and modernization of the Port of Lom Varna New breakwater and bulk cargo terminal at the Port of Bourgas Sofia Bourgas Reconstruction, development and extension of Sofia Airport Plovdiv Reconstruction and electrification of the Plovdiv-Svilengrad railway line Ministry of Transport and Communications 5

6 1) Reconstruction, development and extension of Sofia Airport (1997-2005)
Importance of the project Included in the National ISPA Strategy, sector Transport, approved by the European Commission Cross point of Transport Corridors IV, VIII and X All types of airplanes to land at the airport (even B747) Improving the airport capacity Pollution reduction Budget: EUR mln. State budget: EUR 40.2 mln. Grants: EUR 51.8 mln. (ISPA) Loans: EUR 60 mln. (EIB), EUR 40 mln. (KFAED) Others: EUR 10.4 mln. Ministry of Transport and Communications 6

7 1) Reconstruction, development and extension of Sofia Airport (1997-2005)
Current status of the project Signed contracts for construction for both Lots: Lot B1 – New terminal and related infrastructure and Lot B2 – New runway system and related works Signed Management Agreement and Onlending Agreement for Lot B1 Approved amendment to the Loan Agreement with KFAED for Lot B2 Signed Variation Order No1 for Lot B1 (EUR mln. from the accidental expenditures from the contract cost of the deadline for completion until ) Updated sub-projects for Lot B2: Strengthening of the bridge system on the Iskar river – South part Received first tranche from EIB – EUR 5.9 mln. Planned stages 2005: Completion of the construction works for Lot B1 and B2 2006: Supply and procurement of specialized airport equipment Ministry of Transport and Communications 7

8 2) New bridge across Danube near Vidin (2000-2007)
Importance of the project Included in the priority list of the Stability Pact for South East Europe (“quick start”) Essential infrastructure of the Pan-European Transport Corridor IV Economic development of the region of Vidin Budget: EUR 230 mln. State budget: EUR 65 mln. Loans: EUR 70 mln. (EIB), EUR 18 mln. (KfW) Grants: EUR 70 mln. (ISPA), EUR 5 mln. (AFD), EUR 2 mln. (KfW) Ministry of Transport and Communications 8

9 2) New bridge across Danube near Vidin (2000-2007)
Current status of the project Preliminary geotechnical, hydro-technical and cadastral investigations completed; Investigations for report for preliminary Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) completed Economic, financial and technical analyses for reassessment of Project cost and the rate of return completed Report for preliminary EIA approved by Bulgaria and Romania Report for update of the territory development plans in the new bridge area of Vidin and Calafat approved by the local authorities Contract for International engineering and management consultancy signed Regional study for the region conducted Prequalification procedure for design-build of the bridge opened Ministry of Transport and Communications 9

10 2) New bridge across Danube near Vidin (2000-2007)
Planned stages 2005: Signing of contracts for design-build for approximately EUR 160 mln. and a contract for supervision 2005: Signing of contracts for construction and supervision of the adjoining road and railroad infrastructure for EUR 60 mln. 2007: Completion of construction works Ministry of Transport and Communications

11 3) Reconstruction and electrification of Plovdiv-Svilengrad railway line (2000-2007)
Importance of the project Upgrading the existing infrastructure of Pan-European Transport Corridors IV and IX Establishing a railway connection between Europe and Asia Integrating the Bulgarian and the European railway systems Budget: EUR 340 mln. State budget: EUR 37 mln. Loans: EUR 150 mln. (EIB) Grants: EUR 153 mln. (ISPA) Ministry of Transport and Communications

12 3) Reconstruction and electrification of Plovdiv-Svilengrad railway line (2000-2007)
Current status of the project Preliminary design for reconstruction and electrification (EUR 2 mln. from PHARE LSIF and EUR 0.9 mln. from the National Investment Programme) prepared Report for Environment Impact Assessment approved Approval by the Council of Ministers for design and implementation of the project on agricultural lands The National Expert Council is in the process of approval of the preliminary design of a trace railway line Establishment of Project Implementation Unit in National Company Railway Infrastructure is ongoing Public Service contracts for signaling design and preservation of the archeological sites along the trace signed Ministry of Transport and Communications

13 3) Reconstruction and electrification of Plovdiv-Svilengrad railway line (2000-2007)
Planned stages 2004: International tenders for design-build and supervision (Phase 1: Krumovo – Parvomai) – under way 2005: International tender for long term technical assistance to the Bulgarian implementation structures 2005: Completion of the land acquisition for Phase 1 2005: International tenders for design-build and supervision (Phase 2: Parvomai – Greek/Turkish border) 2005: International tender for long term technical assistance for systems and signaling : Completion of the land acquisition for Phase 2 Ministry of Transport and Communications

14 4) New breakwater and bulk cargo terminal at the Port Bourgas (1999-2005)
Importance of the project Strategic place in the conception for development of the Pan-European Transport Corridors Establishment of good transport-communications connection with the interior of the country Support of the industrial enterprises in South Bulgaria and the North West Balkans Budget: EUR 142 mln. State budget: EUR 24 mln. Loans: EUR 118 mln. (JBIC) Ministry of Transport and Communications

15 4) New breakwater and bulk cargo terminal at the Port Bourgas (1999-2005)
Current status of the project Loan agreement with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation for USD 118 mln. and a Project Memorandum signed. Main phases of the project implementation : Package No 1 – Construction and dredging works Package No 2 – Supply and assembly of equipment A railroad to Terminal 2A and the equipment and buildings of the project is under construction Contract for handling of the dredged ammunitions with the Ministry of Defense signed Dredging works on the quay and breakwater is ongoing Ministry of Transport and Communications

16 4) New breakwater and bulk cargo terminal at the Port Bourgas (1999-2005)
Planned stages 2004: Dredging and construction works – Package No 1 2005: Preparation of the site for assembly of the equipment – Package No 2 : Construction of Access Channel (additional works contract) financed by the state budget – BGN 72 mln. Ministry of Transport and Communications

17 5) Reconstruction and modernization of Port Lom (2000-2006)
Importance of the project With a decision of the European Union for priority development of the continental water ways, the Port Lom was included as an important unit of the European transport network Included in the priority list of the Stability Pack for South East Europe (“quick start”) Upgrading the existing infrastructure of Pan-European Transport Corridor VII Support the development of the transport connections with the Central European, the Mediterranean and Black sea countries Economic development of the region of North-West Bulgaria Budget: EUR 29.7 mln. State budget: EUR 8.2 mln. Loans: EUR 17 mln. (EIB) Grants: EUR 4.5 mln. (HiPERB) Ministry of Transport and Communications

18 5) Reconstruction and modernization of Port Lom (2000-2006)
Current status of the project The Loan Contract for EUR 17 mln. signed by the Republic of Bulgaria, EIB and IA “Port Administration has not been ratified. A reduction of the Bulgarian co-financing from EUR 19 mln. to EUR 10 mln. has been negotiated HiPERB approved financing of the project with a grant of EUR 4.5 mln. and EUR 0.5 mln. Bulgarian co-financing Pre-investment investigations approved. Initial EIA report approved by Ministry of Environment and Water A tender dossier for consultancy services prepared and sent to EIB for approval Tender documents for supply of equipment are under preparation Ministry of Transport and Communications

19 5) Reconstruction and modernization of Port Lom (2000-2006)
Planned stages 2004: Ratification of the Loan Contract with EIB 2005: International Tender for consultancy services 2005: Tender for supply of equipment 2005: Tenders for construction works and supervision Ministry of Transport and Communications

20 6) Building of a winter camp (Zimovnik) for Danube river ships (2000-2006)
Importance of the project Enhanced efficiency and navigation safety along the Danube river Improvement in the water quality and microclimate in the region Reduction in unemployment in the region of Rousse Budget: EUR 13.7 mln. State budget: EUR 8.5 mln. Grants: EUR 5.2 mln. (PHARE) Ministry of Transport and Communications

21 6) Building of a winter camp (Zimovnik) for Danube river ships (2000-2006)
Current status The project is to be implemented in three stages. Construction works of the second Works Contract competed. Planned stages Construction works and Supervision under Stage III are expected to start in January 2005 Ministry of Transport and Communications

22 Future TEN-T Projects High-Level Group on TEN-T European added value
Main criteria for selecting priority infrastructure projects: European added value Social and economic cohesion Sustainable development Ministry of Transport and Communications

23 Future TEN-T Projects Ministry of Transport and Communications 23
Improving Danube navigation Vidin Rousse Varna Vidin – Kulata railway modernisation Gjueshevo – Sofia – Bourgas/Varna railway modernisation Sofia Bourgas Plovdiv Strouma motorway Kulata Ministry of Transport and Communications

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