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Design and Implementation of SUPnP Networks

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1 Design and Implementation of SUPnP Networks
Presented by Chai-Wei Hsu

2 Outline Introduction Related researches System architecture
SUPnP protocol design Discussions Conclusions 2019/2/25

3 Introduction Smart living spaces Two technologies integrated
The ease of system configuration Secure data communication channels Two technologies integrated UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Secure group communication technologies 2019/2/25

4 Related Researches UPnP Originally developed by Microsoft
Nowadays upgraded by UPnP forum Designed to bring easy-to-use, flexible, standards-based connectivity Distributed and open networking architecture Control devices maintain all network devices Support zero-configuration networking No secure data transmission protocol Media independent Any programming language Any operating system 2019/2/25

5 Related Researches (cont.)
Secure group communication Why we need group key management? Limit the access to authorized group members only Forward/backward secrecy Three classifications Centralized group key management protocols Decentralized architectures Distributed key management protocols 2019/2/25

6 Related Researches (cont.)
Secure communication channels over UPnP Central control point(s) The ability to transform messages between unicast and multicast communication Should not break the zero-configuration property of UPnP architecture We suggest to use centralized key management protocols Centralized controllers The number of members varies dynamically Simple to implement and also efficient 2019/2/25

7 System Architecture A centralized control point device Client devices
Server devices 2019/2/25

8 Components The client devices The server devices Key manager Forwarder
To interact with the environments and make requests to server devices The server devices In charge of answering requests from clients Key manager Run as a server device To maintain the relationship of devices in the SUPnP network Forwarder Also run as a server cooperating with the UPnP controller The bridge between clients and servers 2019/2/25

9 SUPnP Protocol Architecture
The protocol architecture of the secure UPnP environment 2019/2/25

10 The Node Registration Protocol
Important design ideas Simplicity Security Member device knowledge Its own device ID, password, and SALT Key server knowledge SALT, H(SALT, PWD), user-type of each ID 2019/2/25

11 Secure Client Channels
Support only unicast communication The symmetric key S-KEY Kept on both the client and the controller Messages are encrypted/decrypted using S-KEY 2019/2/25

12 Secure Server Channels
Support both unicast and multicast/broadcast communication The required secure group keys of new server device Delivered with the REG DONE message Most kinds of secure group communication mechanisms work with SUPnP framework Although we suggest to use centralized key management mechanisms in the UPnP network We choose Logical Key Hierarchy (LKH) as an example 2019/2/25

13 LKH Logical Key Hierarchy Key encryption keys (KEKs)
Correspond to each node in the path from its parent leaf to the root Key distribution center (KDC) Maintain a logical tree of keys Re-key when the memberships change Forward secrecy Backward secrecy 2019/2/25

14 LKH (cont.) An example of LKH tree 2019/2/25

15 LKH (cont.) KEKs affected when a member joins the tree 2019/2/25

16 LKH (cont.) Member join Modified keys Key distribution
k  k’ k14  k’14 k34  k’34 Key distribution Enc{k’}k58 Enc{k’, k’14}k12 Enc{k’, k’14, k’34}k4 Enc{k’, k’14, k’34, k3}S-KEY Broadcast once to update all KEKs {x}k, means x has been encrypted with k 2019/2/25

17 LKH (cont.) Member leave Modified keys Key distribution
k  k’ k14  k’14 k34  k’34 Key distribution Enc{k’}k58 Enc{k’, k’14}k12 Enc{k’, k’14, k’34}k3 Broadcast once to update all KEKs {x}k, means x has been encrypted with k 2019/2/25

18 LKH (cont.) To minimize the re-key overheads
One time multicast/broadcast The cost of LKH for a group containing N members KDC maintains (2N-1) KEKs Each member only stores log(N) KEKs When a re-key happens Only log(N) KEKs are affected Key updates are done in one shoot with a log(N) key size 2019/2/25

19 Message Relaying The forwarder is bound with the UPnP controller
The forwarder must have the same knowledge to key manager Include all the symmetric keys S-KEY and all the KEKs For a request message sent from a client device Encrypted with the shared S-KEY between the client and the key manager The forwarder can decrypt the request and broadcast the request securely using the group secret key On replying a request A server can encrypt the response by using either its symmetric key or the group key In either way, the forwarder is able to decrypt the response and re-encrypt the message using the symmetric key of the receiver 2019/2/25

20 Discussions The choice of centralized group key management
Fault-tolerant and scalability of the UPnP controller/SUPnP forwarder The co-existence of SUPnP and UPnP networks The possibility of extending the architecture to deploy over wide area networks 2019/2/25

21 Centralized Group Key Management
The original UPnP network already has a (centralized) controller The server devices in the SUPnP network join or leave dynamically Distributed key management mechanisms Require members to know each other and compute the shared secret key May be not suitable Decentralized mechanisms Dynamically changed memberships The major use of the secure group channels is to broadcast requests Subgroup leaders may not work well Centralized key management mechanisms Easier to implement and maintain Problems are the ability for fault-tolerant and the scalability 2019/2/25

22 Fault-Tolerant and Scalability
Setup multiple controllers and make them all on-line at the same time Synchronization between these devices Load can be shared by dispatching or migrating members of the SUPnP network to different controllers 2019/2/25

23 Co-Existence of SUPnP and UPnP
The SUPnP is built on top of and UPnP basic device Encapsulate the SUPnP message with a dedicated protocol header All the first six fields are in 16-bit length Values should be stored in big-endian The data are placed right after the sixth field 2019/2/25

24 The SUPnP Message Header
The magic field stores a constant number All the SUPnP data should begin with this magic number The flag field indicates how to process this message Control message or data message, encrypted or not, sent by a client or by a server, unicast channel or broadcast channel The keyid field indicates the key used to encrypt 2019/2/25

25 The SUPnP Message Header (cont.)
Determine a valid SUPnP message Check constant magic number Verify the checksum value XORed result of all the first six fields should be ZERO 2019/2/25

26 Extension of the SUPnP Network
The UPnP architecture is originally proposed for personal/home environment Across the network boundaries via virtual private network Devices need to have more network configurations beforehand VLAN (Virtual local area network) Instead of having each device capable of VPN access abilities Formed with cooperated subnetworks When VLANs are constructed at the network level, it’s unnecessary to touch all the devices 2019/2/25

27 Conclusions We extend the UPnP technologies and build an intelligent secure network The proposed protocol is suitable for the construction of a flexible and easy-to-use smart living spaces 2019/2/25

28 References J.-J. Lee, C.-Y. Huang, and C.-L. Lei. Design and Implementation of Secure Communication Channels over UPnP Networks. In MUE’07: International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, pages , 2007. S. Rafaeli and D. Hutchison. A survey of key management for secure group communication. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 35(3): , 2003. UPnP device architecture 1.0. UPnP Forum, document version 1.0.1, 20 July 2006. 2019/2/25

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