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Morning Worship 5th December 2017 Who teaches who?

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Presentation on theme: "Morning Worship 5th December 2017 Who teaches who?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning Worship 5th December 2017 Who teaches who?

2 Share words of welcome …
As you start the day, greet each other. Bible verses for today … Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. From the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 13, verse 12 & Chapter 23, verse 18 News … Debate … Do we need specialist schools in the UK, why (or why not)? What criteria would you use to allocate children to a specialist school?

3 A prayer to take with you …
Stop – time to reflect … Stop for a minute – think about the debate that you have shared. Think about your response. A prayer to take with you … God, may we all learn ways to encourage learning for all people in our community. Give us wisdom and understanding to provide a structure of care. Amen Share words of encouragement … Before you leave offer each other encouragement for the day ahead.

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