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Rikki -Tikki -Tavi By Rudyard Kipling.

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Presentation on theme: "Rikki -Tikki -Tavi By Rudyard Kipling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rikki -Tikki -Tavi By Rudyard Kipling

2 Anticipation Guide Read the statements below and decide if you AGREE or DISAGREE with each statement. Then write a 2-3 sentence explanation that explains your opinion. Be prepared to share your answers! Statement # of Students that Agree # of Students that Disagree Animals and people have a natural desire to protect and love their children. Sometimes animals exhibit behavior we admire in people, such as bravery and intelligence. Some animals can help parents keep their children from harm.

3 •Cobra vs. Mongoose •Mongoose vs. Cobra
Click on the titles below to watch videos. •Cobra vs. Mongoose •Mongoose vs. Cobra

4 Research a King Cobra and Mongoose
Research a King Cobra and Mongoose. Recreate the chart below and completing it with information gathered in your research. Animal: Habitat Size/Description Value to Society Mongoose Cobra

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