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Radar-lidar synergy for the retrieval of water cloud parameters

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Presentation on theme: "Radar-lidar synergy for the retrieval of water cloud parameters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radar-lidar synergy for the retrieval of water cloud parameters
Herman Russchenberg, Oleg Krasnov February 25, 2019 International Research Centre for Telecommunication and Radar

2 Ground based observations
radar lidar radiometry February 25, 2019

3 Dropsize distribution Very sensitive to tail of dsd
Are power laws useful? Dropsize distribution Very sensitive to tail of dsd February 25, 2019

4 Common opinion: No, there is too much scatter due to drizzle
unless we can identify the drizzle droplets somehow... February 25, 2019

5 drizzle “transition” drizzle non-drizzling
A million droplets of 10 micron give the same radar reflection as one droplet of 100 micron! A million droplets of 10 micron contain a thousand times as much water as one one droplet of 100 micron... And so: one drizzle droplet changes the reflectivity significantly without changing the liquid water content non-drizzling February 25, 2019

6 Radar reflection Drizzling Non-drizzling Coarse classification
February 25, 2019

7 Radar and lidar observables in relation to microphysics of water clouds
Radar-lidar ratio vs effective radius Radar reflectivity vs liquid water content February 25, 2019

8 Example: June 19, 2003, Chilbolton
February 25, 2019

9 February 25, 2019

10 February 25, 2019

11 Statistics of cloud types, Cabauw
7.9 % 27.1 % 65.0 % February 25, 2019

12 Statistics of cloud types, Chilbolton
9.3 % 29.3 % 61.4 % February 25, 2019

13 Statistics of cloud types, Palaiseau
8.7 % 27.8 % 63.5 % February 25, 2019

14 Statistics of cloud types, all sites
8.7 % 27.8 % 63.5 % -35 dBZ -20 dBZ February 25, 2019

15 Climatology or calibration?
Site-specific thresholds Averaged CloudNet thresholds February 25, 2019

16 February 25, 2019

17 After filtration out values of both LWP > 400 g/m^2
The difference between the radar/lidar LWP retrievals and microwave radiometer After filtration out values of both LWP > 400 g/m^2 February 25, 2019

18 The comparative statistic for the Cloudnet LWP datasets
February 25, 2019

19 observations February 25, 2019

20 The difference between the Radar/lidar retrievals and ECMWF NWPM LWP
After filtration out values of both LWP > 400 g/m^2 February 25, 2019

21 February 25, 2019

22 Outlook Refine statistics Refine thresholds Application to ARM data
Apply to CloudSat – Calipso Combine with IPT February 25, 2019

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