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Bell-Ringer Ad Hoc Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage

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Presentation on theme: "Bell-Ringer Ad Hoc Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell-Ringer Ad Hoc Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage Pyramid Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage Circular Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage Page

2 List the names of the different Cabinets?
Bell-Ringer List the names of the different Cabinets?

3 Bell-Ringer List and explain the THREE ways a president can say “NO” Veto Executive Privilege Impoundment of Funds

4 Bell-Ringer What is judicial review, and since 1789 how many federal laws have been judged unconstitutional? (438) Explain the difference between a strict-constructionist approach and an activist approach used by judges when interpreting the Constitution. (439)

NATIONAL SUPREMACY & SLAVERY Supreme Court Case 1: McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) What was McCulloch v. Maryland about? (pages 55-56) What was the Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland ? (page 441) Did the decision support national supremacy or state’s rights and why? Supreme Court case 2: Dred Scott v. Sanford, (1857) What was this case about? (page 442) What was the Court’s decision? (442) Did the decision promote National Supremacy or States Rights and Why? (442)

6 Bell-Ringer 4-3-09 Structure of the Federal Courts (446)
What is a constitutional court? What are the two most important of the constitutional courts & Define them What is a legislative court?

7 Bell-Ringer 4-13-09 What shapes court decisions other than ideology?
Do Supreme Court Justices always act the way the president wants? Give an example to back up your opinion. Pages

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