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Views of Earth’s Past 5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. 5.2

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1 Views of Earth’s Past 5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. 5.2
CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Views of Earth’s Past the BIG idea Rocks, fossils, and other types of natural evidence tell Earth’s story. 5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. 5.2 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past. 5.3 Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils. CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES

2 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth.
5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.4.c Students know that the rock cycle includes the formation of new sediment and rocks that are often found in layers, with the oldest generally on the bottom. 7.4.d Students know that evidence from geologic layers and radioactive dating indicates Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old and that life on this planet has existed for more than 3 billion years. relative age rock cycle index fossil absolute age half-life CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

3 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth.
5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. Sedimentary rock layers show the order in which rocks formed. The order of the layers is used to determine the relative ages of fossils found in the rock. relative age rock cycle index fossil absolute age half-life Radioactive dating can be used to determine the absolute age of igneous rock. CHAPTER RESOURCES Scientists combine information about the relative and absolute ages of rocks and fossils to construct a timeline of Earth. SECTION OUTLINE

4 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth.
5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. Scientists combine information about the relative and absolute ages of rocks and fossils to construct a timeline of Earth. relative age rock cycle index fossil absolute age VISUALIZATION CLASSZONE.COM Watch molten rock cut through layers of sedimentary rock. half-life CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

5 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past.
5.2 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past. CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.4.a Students know Earth processes today are similar to those that occurred in the past and slow geologic processes have large cumulative effects over long periods of time. 7.4.b Students know the history of life on Earth has been disrupted by major catastrophic events, such as major volcanic eruptions or the impacts of asteroids. uniformitarianism geologic time scale CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

6 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past.
5.2 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past. The geologic time scale divides Earth’s history into eons, eras, periods, and epochs. The divisions are based on major changes or events that occurred in Earth’s history. uniformitarianism geologic time scale EON EPOCH ERA PERIOD today *bya = billion years ago †mya = million years ago Phanerozoic eon Cenozoic era Mesozoic era Paleozoic era Proterozoic eon Archean eon Hadean eon Precambrian time 500 mya† 4.6 bya* 3 bya 2 bya 1 bya CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

7 5.3 CALIFORNIA Content Standards
Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils. CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.3.c Students know how independent lines of evidence from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy provide the basis for the theory of evolution. 7.4.b Students know the history of life on earth has been disrupted by major catastrophic events, such as major volcanic eruptions or the impacts of asteroids. 7.4.e Students know fossils provide evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed. original remains ice core CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

8 5.3 Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils.
Fossils are traces or remnants of past life. Many fossils are found in rock. Rocks, fossils, and other natural evidence provide information about how Earth and life on Earth have changed over time. original remains ice core CHAPTER RESOURCES VISUALIZATION CLASSZONE.COM Explore how fossils form. SECTION OUTLINE

9 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth.
5.1 Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. I. Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. relative age A. Changes in rocks provide a record of the past. rock cycle B. The three main types of rocks form in different ways. index fossil absolute age C. Layers of sedimentary rock show relative age. half-life 1. Igneous Rock and Sedimentary Layers 2. Index Fossils D. Radioactive dating can show absolute age. 1. Half-Life CHAPTER RESOURCES 2. Using Absolute and Relative Age KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

10 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past.
5.2 The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past. II. The geologic time scale shows Earth’s past. uniformitarianism A. Earth is constantly changing. geologic time scale B. Small, gradual changes become large changes over time. C. The geologic time scale divides Earth’s history. 1. Divisions of Geologic Time 2. Phanerozoic Eon CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

11 Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils.
5.3 Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils. III. Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils. original remains A. Fossils, and original remains give clues about the past. ice core 1. Types of Fossils 2. Fossil Formation 3. Fossils in Rocks 4. Original Remains B. Fossils and other natural evidence show changes in life and the environment. 1. Ice Cores CHAPTER RESOURCES 2. Tree Rings 3. Finding the Age of Fossils KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

12 Chapter Resources Click on the items below to access resources on
CHAPTER HOME Chapter Resources Image Gallery Click here to review chapter images and animations Review Game Play a fun interactive review game Animations Link to all the McDougal Littell Science animations Click on the items below to access resources on CLASSZONE.COM Content Review Review key concepts and vocabulary Audio Readings Hear chapter audio readings Resource Center Get more information on select science topics Math Tutorial Review math concepts Standardized Test Practice Practice state standardized tests BACK TO CHAPTER

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