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System-Level Design.

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Presentation on theme: "System-Level Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 System-Level Design

2 Agenda Project Overview Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements
Use-Case Scenario Functional Decomposition & Analysis Concept Generation - Morphological Table Feasibility Analysis Benchmarking Concept Selection Risk Assessment Current State Action Items

3 Project Overview Fifth TigerBot. Human-sized: >5 ft
Ideally be used as a tour guide for RIT and as an inspiration to the younger generations. Objectives: working prototype by 2015’s ImagineRIT. Meet specs: able to walk, untethered, avoiding obstacles, able to get up from falls, responding commands.

4 Customer Requirements

5 Engineering Requirements

6 Use-Case Scenario

7 Functional Decomposition

8 Functional Decomposition

9 Functional Decomposition

10 Functional Decomposition

11 Morphological Table Cyclical Drive

12 Morphological Table Plumb Bob

13 Preliminary Feasibility Question
Feasibility Analysis Preliminary Feasibility Question Priority (U, H, M, L, P) Assumptions Can components/limbs handle weight? Urgent Square tube construction Can we support untethered operation for 2+ hours? Low TBD Can servos/gearboxes handle required torque? Flexible budget, power is non-issue, size limitation based on joints Can we get custom components made in timely manner? Medium Component design finalized Separate or unified power supplies? High Rough idea of power requirements Single stage or multistage voltage regulators? Power requirements known Can we prevent overheating of electrical components? Urgent-High Power requirements known, circuit design finalized Can we prevent overheating of servos? Power requirements known, torque requirements known Can we support human voice interaction? Preference Sufficient power, CPU operational w/ ROS Can we effectively balance? Frame fully constructed, sufficient CPU speed, sensors interfaced Can we avoid obstacles? Able to walk/balance, CPU w/ ROS, sensors interfaced Can we walk? Able to balance, CPU w/ ROS, sensors interfaced Can the robot detect its location? CPU w/ ROS, external support network, sensors interfaced Can the the robot detect its orientation? CPU w/ ROS, sensors interfaced Can the robot provide real-time data feedback? Medium-Low CPU w/ ROS, external support (including MSD team)

14 Torque Analysis

15 Benchmarking

16 Benchmark - TigerBots

17 Benchmark - Batteries

18 Benchmark - Servos

19 Teknic Demonstration Clearpath Integrated Servos
Great Control on the torque Changes in fractions of a second Click Me

20 Benchmark - Materials

21 Concept Selection

22 Unified vs. Separate Power Supplies
Unified: One battery pack for all power requirements Separate: Different packs, one to handle high current draw for servos, and one to handle lower draw for computing and sensors.

23 Unified vs. Separate Power Supplies
LM317 regulator chosen Very common, easily replaced Can take max input voltage of 40VDC Servos will be run ~48+ VDC Unified PSU is not feasible

24 Single vs. Multi-stage Regulators
Single: Linear regulator driving CPU, sensors Multistage: Linear regulator driving current source for CPU, sensors LM317 drives 1.5A BeagleBone draws up to 2A OPA549 Power op-amp Drives 8A (five times LM317) LM317 to set threshold for OPA549, OPA drives current Multistage more advantageous

25 High Torque Areas (Hips and Legs)
Teknic ClearPath-MCPV (Precision Position Control) Absolute Positioning Pulse Burst Positioning Paired with select gearboxes will allow required torque Absolute Positioning allows 4 preset positions Pulse Burst Positioning allows precision positioning with speed and acceleration control

26 Low Torque Areas (Arms)
McMaster-Carr DC Gearmotors Don’t require a gearbox Can be set parallel to the joints or perpendicular to the joints. For use on shoulder and elbow joints.

27 Materials Either Carbon Fiber Composites or Kevlar Epoxy
Carbon Fiber is light but prone to break from shock. Kevlar resists shocks

28 Small Limbs/Joints Utilize Servos for each required DoF.
Upper body has smaller load Use for arms and head.

29 Large Limbs/Joints Toss up between worm gears, cycloidal gears, high torque servos and planetary gears Points of interest where they are under heavy load Use for hips, thighs , knees and ankles.

30 Hip / Torso Cycloidal Gear Zero Backlash HighTorque
Great for balancing the hip Reduces energy use.

31 Foot / Ankle Plates for Foot Not Human Like Energetically Inefficient
Anthropomorphical Foot Adopted Human oriented design Highly efficient Permits to increase foot clearance during leg swing.

32 Thigh / Leg Shock Absorbers Placed strategically at the knee
Relieves stress at the hip Sustains the weight of the robot “Human-like”-works like muscles

33 Connectivity WiFi or Bluetooth Wifi has longer range
Bluetooth has lower power consumption

34 Voice Interaction Use pre-existing software and code from previous tigerbots. Seems to work really well More time/resource to focus on locomotion

35 Risk Assessment Risk Cause Effect Severity Detect Likelihood Total
Mitigate Ownership Budget Overspending No money 3 1 9 Ask Sahin for money MSD Team Manpower Not enough engineer Incomplete Robot Increase Man Hours Collapse Design Failure Injuries 243 Harness/Padding RIT Does not walk Failed CR 27 Pass off to next MSD Battery Shorts Wiring Fire 81 Triple check/ Insulation EE Immobilized No Power Difficult to Move Back up power supply (manual override) Theft Loose Security No Robot Locking LAB Loss of Communication Communication Failure Loss of Control Wired back-up CE/EE Components Breaking Too much stress Component Failure Ansys Analysis ME Logistics/Delays Unknown delays Gets pushed back Put in extra hours to catch up

36 Current State Feasibility Limb Design Joint Design Skeleton Design
Power Calculations

37 Action Items Finalize all designs 3D model of skeleton
Simulation in Webot with skeleton Spec out servos,gearboxes and batteries Ansys Structural Analysis

38 References Luo, Ren C., Chwan H. Chen, Yi H. Pu, and Jia R. Chang. "Towards Active Actuated Natural Walking Humanoid Robot Legs." IEEE Xplore. IEEE, June-July Web. 02 Oct Takanishi, Atsuo and Kazuko Itoh. “Some Issues in Humanoid Robot Design”. IEEE Xplore. IEEE, Web. 02 Oct. 2014 Gini, Giuseppina, Umberto Scarfogliero, and Michele Folgheraiter. "Human-Oriented Biped Robot Design: Insights into the Development of a Truly Anthropomorphic Leg." IEEE Xplore. IEEE, 10 Apr Web. 02 Oct

39 Questions? Why is the robot angry??
Because someone kept pushing his buttons.

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