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Student:連敏筠 Advisor:傅恆霖

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1 Student:連敏筠 Advisor:傅恆霖
Cycle Cover of Graphs National Chiao Tung University Student:連敏筠 Advisor:傅恆霖 2019/2/25

2 Outline Introduction and Preliminaries Main Results Conclusion

3 1. Introduction and Preliminaries
Definition. (Cycle cover) A cycle cover of G is a collection C of cycles of G which covers all edges of G; C is called a cycle m-cover if each edge of G is covered exactly m times. 2019/2/25

4 Example: Cycle Cover G: C: 2019/2/25

5 Example: Cycle 2-Cover G: C: 2019/2/25

6 Definition. (Contraction) Contract an edge e.
contract e e Contract a subgraph F. contract F F 2019/2/25

7 Definition. (Subdivision) Subdivision an edge xy. x x x H: H: G: z
w y y y 2019/2/25

8 Definition. (Isomorphism)
An isomorphism from a graph G to a graph H is a bijection Definition. (Homeomorphic) Two graphs G and G' are homeomorphic if there is an isomorphism from some subdivision of G to some subdivision of G'. 2019/2/25

9 Definition. (Integer Flow)
An orientation of an undirected graph is an assignment of a direction to each edge. For each vertex , v 2019/2/25

10 v A flow in G under orientation D is an integer-valued function on E(G) such that 2019/2/25

11 The support of is defined by
For a positive k, if then is called a k-flow. If , then is called a nowhere-zero k-flow. 2019/2/25

12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Example: nowhere-zero 2-flow

13 Let G be an r-regular and r-edge-connected graph then G is an r-graph.
Definition. (r-graph) An r-graph G is an r-regular graph such that for each vertex subset with Lemma. Let G be an r-regular and r-edge-connected graph then G is an r-graph. 2019/2/25

14 Theorem 1. (Edmond [1965]) Let G be an r-graph. Then there is an integer p and a family M of perfect matchings such that each edge of G is contained in exactly p members of M. 2019/2/25

15 Definition. (weighted graph)
A graph is called a weighted graph if each edge e is assigned a nonnegative real number , called a weight of e. Let G be a weighted graph and H a subgraph of G. The weight of H is defined by Theorem 2. Let G be an r-graph where is odd. Then G contains a perfect matching M such that 2019/2/25

16 Theorem. (Alon and Tarsi [1985])
Every bridgeless graph G has a cycle cover of size at most Conjecture. (Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture) Every 4-edge-connected graph has a nowhere-zero 3-flow. Definition: For a flow in G, we define 2019/2/25

17 (2) If G has a nowhere-zero 6-flow such that
Theorem. (Fan [1993]) If Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture is true, then every bridgeless graph G has a nowhere-zero 6-flow such that (2) If G has a nowhere-zero 6-flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the sum of lengths of the cycles in the cycle cover is at most ※ bridgeless graph = 2-edge-connected. 2019/2/25

18 2. Main Results If Tutte’s 3-flow Conjecture is true. (1) (k is odd)
Every graph which is homeomorphic to (k-1)-edge- connected graph G with has a nowhere-zero 6- flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the size of the cycles is at most 2019/2/25

19 Every graph which is homeomorphic to (k-1)-edge-
Main Theorem (2) (k is even) Every graph which is homeomorphic to (k-1)-edge- connected graph G with has a nowhere-zero 6- flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the size of the cycles is at most 2019/2/25

20 If Tutte’s 3-Flow Conjecture is true, then every graph which
Consider k is odd. Theorem 3. If Tutte’s 3-Flow Conjecture is true, then every graph which is homeomorphic to a (k-1)-edge-connected graph G with has an even subgraph F and 3-flow such that 2019/2/25

21 If Tutte’s 3-Flow Conjecture is true, then every weighted (k-
Theorem 4. If Tutte’s 3-Flow Conjecture is true, then every weighted (k- 1)-edge-connected graph G with has an even subgraph F and 3-flow such that 2019/2/25

22 Proof: 2019/2/25

23 Lemma 1. Let G be an (r-1)-edge-connected graph with Then for each , there exist two edges and such that is (r-1)-edge-connected. 2019/2/25

24 Let G be an (k-1)-edge-connected graph with δ(G) = k.
Fact 1. Let G be an (k-1)-edge-connected graph with δ(G) = k. y G’ G x z 2019/2/25

25 Lemma 3. If Tutte’s 3-Flow Conjecture is true, then every weighted (k-1)-edge-connected graph G (k is odd) has an even subgraph F and 3-flow such that Lemma 4. If G is a counterexample of Theorem 4 with a minimum number of edges, then G is simple, k-regular and k-edge-connected. 2019/2/25

26 Theorem 5. If a (k-1)-edge-connected graph G with (k is odd)
has a nowhere-zero 6-flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the size of the cycle cover is at most 2019/2/25

27 3. Conclusion Theorem. (Fan)
If Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture is true than G has a nowhere- zero 6-flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the sum of lengths of the cycles in the cycle cover is at most 2019/2/25

28 If Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture then every graph which is
Main Theorem. (1) k is odd If Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture then every graph which is homeomorphic to a (k-1)-edge-connected graph G with has a nowhere-zero 6-flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the size of the cycles is at most 2019/2/25

29 If Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture then every graph which is
(2) k is even If Tutte’s 3-flow conjecture then every graph which is homeomorphic to a (k-1)-edge-connected graph G with has a nowhere-zero 6-flow such that , then G has a cycle cover in which the size of the cycles is at most 2019/2/25

30 Fan’s result can be obtained using .
For ,the upper bound we obtained in this paper is asymptotically approaching to which is much better than 2019/2/25

31 Thank you for your attention!

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