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Write down the following prompts in notebooks, leaving one line between preparing for a video clip about “America’s Time: 1941 - 1945 Homefront” (9:06.

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Presentation on theme: "Write down the following prompts in notebooks, leaving one line between preparing for a video clip about “America’s Time: 1941 - 1945 Homefront” (9:06."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write down the following prompts in notebooks, leaving one line between preparing for a video clip about “America’s Time: Homefront” (9:06 – 30:00) (1) America’s motor city transformed to … (2) Attitudes toward married women working outside the home changed because … (3) Fraction of workers that were women during WWII … (4) Americans worked together … (5) Americans were taught to hate … (6) Executive Order 9066 established … (7) Gold stars in windows meant …

2 African American Contributions in WWII

3 African Americans in American During WWII
Contributions to war effort … Pushing for “Double V” … Segregated military … “Tuskegee Airmen”

4 Voter Intimidation “It was in the state of Georgia, in 1946, that a young Negro veteran named Maceo Snipes learned that by the Supreme Court ruling he had a right to vote. No Negro had voted in his county since Reconstruction, but Maceo Snipes went down and registered. The following morning he was sitting on his porch and a white man came up and killed him with a shotgun. His funeral was held the next day and in the midst of the funeral oration, Maceo’s mother rose and moved up through the crowd, up to his coffin, where they waited to lower it into the earth. And she asked her second son to come forth. He was 17. And she said to him, ‘Put your hand on this coffin, and swear on the body of your brother than when you get to be 21, you’re going down to the courthouse to do what he did — to vote.’ ” - Henry Wallace - Progressive Party Candidate for President - “Radio Address,” September, 1948

5 Economic Prosperity, Rationing, and the War Production Board

6 War Productions Board …
Rationing program … War Productions Board … Established priorities in the distribution of raw materials Converts economy, peacetime to war time

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