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Qualification reform and the new UCAS Tariff

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Presentation on theme: "Qualification reform and the new UCAS Tariff"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualification reform and the new UCAS Tariff
Margaret Farragher Head of Policy and Qualifications 25/02/2019

2 Introduction Setting the scene – latest trends and qualification reform The new UCAS Tariff – how the new points work, key dates and case studies 25/02/2019

3 2014 End of Cycle – “A buyer’s/student’s market”
25/02/2019 Headlines Record number of applicants enter HE Increased focus on “quality” by Higher Education Providers (HEPs)– static acceptance rate Absolute difference in entry rate between men and women is larger than ever before Significant social change – growing reduction in rich/ poor gap Growth in demand driven by BTEC learners University “winners” get stronger/ HE market forces take effect 25/02/2019

4 Record numbers enter HE – Acceptances by domicile
25/02/2019 For the first time over half a million people placed in HE. 512,400 applicants were placed, an increase of 3.4%. In 2014, differences between the advantaged and disadvantaged decreased in all four countries, with the entry rate ratios reaching new lows. However, entry rates to higher tariff providers for 18 year olds in advantaged areas are remain between six to nine times greater than in disadvantaged areas. Women more likely to enter HE than men are to apply. This difference in 18 year old, UK domiciled entry rates equates to 32,000 fewer 18 year old men entering HE this year than would be the case if men had the same entry rate as women 25/02/2019

5 Growth in BTECs – Entry rate by qualification held
25/02/2019 The proportion of the 18 year old population in England who entered HE and held a BTEC qualification increased to 6.7% in This is the highest entry rate holding BTECs recorded; 18 year olds in England are around 120% more likely to enter HE holding a BTEC than they were in 2006. 25/02/2019

6 Qualifications pipeline
25/02/2019 Looking to the future, the pool of applicants holding BTEC qualifications will grow, whilst the number holding A levels decreases DfE Level 3 participation data. Fewer 18 year olds, VQ type learners go to mid/lower tariff HEPs so higher tariff competing for smaller pot. 25/02/2019

7 Qualification reform 25/02/2019

8 The qualification landscape
Decoupled AS – England New Core Maths – England New Nationals – Scotland New A levels – UK New Highers – Scotland Science practical grades – England VQ reform – England New Welsh Bacc – Wales Coupled AS – Wales and NI New GCSEs – England, Wales and NI 25/02/2019

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10 What does this mean for learners?
Significance of reference, personal statement and GCSEs Mixed economy Impact on selecting A levels Information and advice Reformed qualifications better for HE “Buyer’s market” 25/02/2019

11 What questions are the reforms raising for teachers?
25/02/2019 What questions are the reforms raising for teachers? Importance of predicted grades Predicting A levels without the AS EPQ and core maths Importance of GCSEs Interviews and admissions tests The HE view of the AS 25/02/2019

12 What questions are the reforms raising for universities and colleges?
25/02/2019 What questions are the reforms raising for universities and colleges? Impact of A level reform on grades Changes to entry requirements Changes to HE courses Importance of the reference Increasingly burdensome internal processes Reliability of predicted grades 25/02/2019

13 What is UCAS doing to help?
25/02/2019 What is UCAS doing to help? Qualifications reform web page Contact: Ben Jordan Qualification Information Profiles (QIPs) Analysis and Research Conferences and events UCAS products and services to include new qualification features What else can we do to help you? Only national picture 25/02/2019

14 The new UCAS Tariff 25/02/2019

15 1. Summary 25/02/2019

16 25/02/2019 In brief… UCAS is introducing a new Tariff for the 2017 admissions cycle Addresses many of the shortcomings of the current model Based on a significantly different method to the current Tariff The primary purpose of the new Tariff is to provide a broad metric for higher education providers (HEPs) which will be used for management information and reporting purposes to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for the Student Record onwards Any information and guidance material referring to UCAS Tariff points that is shared with students will need to be reviewed and revised as a result. This slide highlights the key points to note in relation to the new Tariff. Bullet 3 – you may also want to flag that one key qualification that has been repositioned under the new Tariff is the AS qualification - this is covered later in the pack. 25/02/2019

17 2. Why is the Tariff changing?

18 Rationale 2012 Qualifications Information Review raised concerns with the current Tariff: it is not suited to all qualifications it is not aligned with the UK qualification regulatory process the process is expensive and led by awarding organisations it is complex and unclear exactly how points are allocated to qualifications 25/02/2019

19 4. How the Tariff works 25/02/2019

20 Higher Education Provider needs
25/02/2019 Design principles Transparency Higher Education Provider needs Cost effective Comprehensive Sustainable Flexible Fair Clear process for allocating Tariff points Supports HEPs that use the Tariff for management information purposes and admissions purposes Lower cost than the current process and/or no charge to awarding organisations Has the scope to accommodate all UK regulated Level 3/ SCQF Level 6 qualifications Robust enough to cope with qualifications reforms across the UK, and to last for a minimum of ten years Sufficiently flexible to cope with the widest range of qualifications and accommodate future changes to them Fair to the greatest number of applicants across the UK and in support of the widening participation agenda 25/02/2019

21 Tariff points = size band x grade band
New Tariff method Tariff points = size band x grade band Size bands - qualifications will be allocated a size band of 1 to 4, based on their guided learning hours/notional learning hours Grade bands - qualifications will also be allocated a grade band. The new Tariff has 12 grade bands across a value range of These grade bands spread across the breadth of Level 3 / SCQF Level 6 The new total Tariff points will appear in the same type of Tariff Tables as the current Tariff. This means that students, teachers and advisers can focus on the new Total Tariff numbers as detailed in the new UCAS Tariff Tables. 25/02/2019

22 25/02/2019 Size bands Four size bands ensure that existing size relationships between qualifications are maintained whilst not over-emphasising the importance of size. Size band GLH/NLH Qualifications included 1 < 120 Free Standing Mathematics Qualifications IB Theory of Knowledge IB Extended Essay 60 100 2 Extended Project Qualification AS BTEC (QCF) L3 Certificate IB Standard Certificate 120 180 200 3 Scottish Higher 240 4 320+ Scottish Advanced Higher A level IB Higher Certificate BTEC (QCF) L3 Subsidiary Diploma Pre U Principal Subject 320 360 380 The AS remains half the size of an A level and is size band 2 Scottish Highers are allocated to a size band in between AS and A level Scottish Advanced Higher, A levels, IBHL, Pre-U Principal Subjects are in the same size band, size band 4 Welsh Baccalaureate is being revised for programmes starting in The new qualification is expected to be of equivalent size to an A level and would therefore be allocated to size band 4 25/02/2019

23 25/02/2019 Grade bands A finite grade scale has been established for Level 3/SCQF Level 6 qualifications providing 12 grade bands that all qualifications can be mapped to. Grade Points A level AS (New Tariff) Scottish Highers Scottish Adv Highers 14 A* A 13 12 B 11 10 C 9 8 D 7 6 5 4 E 3 The new Tariff uses a 3-14 point scale with 12 grade bands Scale starts at 3 points as 1 point does not provide a sufficient multiplier effect The scale ensures that key UK benchmark qualifications such as Scottish Highers can be precisely positioned in agreement with UK qualification regulators The scale is finite – for example, qualification grades operating significantly above A* at A level are considered Level 4 25/02/2019

24 BTECs and the new Tariff
Relative position of BTECs and A levels remains the same on the new Tariff as at present For example: Grade New Tariff Current Tariff BTEC Subsidiary Diploma D* 56 140 A level A* At the heart of connecting people to higher education 25/02/2019

25 BTECs and the new Tariff
Multiple grade qualifications like the Extended BTECs get multiple size band points, in this case size band 4 + size band 4 +size band 4. For example: At the heart of connecting people to higher education 25/02/2019

26 Positioning of the AS on the new Tariff
The AS qualification has been adjusted to circa 40% of an A level to reflect the Ofqual statement – “the material studied in AS is less demanding than an A level”. The Welsh Government and Department of Education in Northern Ireland have also positioned the AS which will remain coupled, at 40% of the A level. Many HEPs fed back during the QIR that the AS point allocation is over generous under the current Tariff. Ofqual consultation exercises referenced in the Technical Briefing document, showed that the majority of stakeholders that fed back on the AS commented that 40% of an A level was appropriate.

27 The Access to HE Diploma and the new Tariff
The proposal has been developed by QAA Made possible by new specification – consistency of structure and volume of academic content Evidence from published entry requirements that significant majority of HE courses accept Access to HE Diploma as an alternative to 3 A levels New Tariff will also treat the Diploma as equivalent in size to 3 A levels for calculation purposes.

28 New Tariff and Access to HE Diploma
Aligned with A level grades ie 45 credits at Distinction = 3 x A grade at A level 45 credits at Pass = 3 x E grades at A level Makes it possible to generate points for any AHE grade profile Generates HEFCE determined profile of ABB+ equivalence as 30 credits at Distinction and 15 at Merit

29 Tariff points example – 122 points
Credits at Distinction Credits at Merit Credits at Pass 30 15 27 6 12 24 9 21 18 3 A level equivalent - AAE, ABD, ACC, BBC BTEC ND equivalent - DMM

30 New Tariff tables for the Access to HE Diploma
The Tariff tables will include the points available for all possible (136) grade combinations 25/02/2019

31 3. Timeline for the new Tariff

32 Implementation and switchover date – key milestones
The new Tariff will be implemented for the 2017 admissions cycle The new Tariff points were published in September 2014 and have been communicated to all UK secondary schools, colleges and HEPs Schools and colleges should update their information and advice for students choosing their Level 3/SCQF Level 6 qualifications, who may go on to apply for HE courses starting from September 2017 Implementation from the 2017 admissions cycle involves a new Tariff switchover date of September 2016 for Apply HEP communication materials such as prospectuses will need to be updated around January 2016 if references are made to the Tariff. Course Collect for entry cycle 2017 will open in November Again if HEPs use the new Tariff, all Tariff references will need to be updated 25/02/2019

33 Implementation and switchover date – high level one page plan
June – Aug 2014 Sep 14 – Aug 15 Sep 15 – Aug 16 Sep 16 – Aug 17 Sep 17 – Aug 18 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Sep–Nov 2014 Dec–Feb 2014/15 Mar–May 2015 Jun–Aug 2015/16 2016 2016/17 2017 2017/18 2018 Admission Cycles Key Decision Milestones Operational Milestones Engagement IT Changes 2014 entry cycle 2015 entry cycle 2016 entry cycle 2017 entry cycle UCAS Board approved new Tariff & plan Jun 14 UCAS Board preparedness review April 2016 UCAS search tool opens (entry 2017) UCAS begins to process 2017 applications HEPs make decisions /offers using new Tariff from Sep 2016 End of Cycle Report published with new Tariff Jan 2018 Course Collect (entry 2017) opens Oct 2015 C&C reporting (new Tariff) Jul/Aug 2017 New Tariff Calculator rolled out Dec 2014 HEPs publish prospectuses for 2017 Jan-Feb 2016 Feedback Survey published Jul 14 New Tariff published Sep 2014 Apply Opens (entry 2017) HESA publish Performance Indicators (new Tariff) Dec 2018-Mar 2019 Initial support and communications on the new Tariff from August 2014 Regional Training for schools and colleges commences Oct 2014 UCAS HE conventions for applicants Mar 2016 Schools and colleges advise level 3/SCQF level 6 students from Sep 2014 Tariff switchover Regional training for HEPs commences Jan 2015 UCAS IT development Jul 2015– Mar 2016 IT test environment opens IT suppliers commence development and testing Nov 2015 Link products rolled out Oct 2016 IT sign-off for implementation Mar 2016 Continual communications and engagement

34 6. Resources 25/02/2019

35 Resources Resources currently available to support the transition are available on the UCAS website: Plus a quiz to help your teams familiarise Tariff points will soon is also available on this page. 25/02/2019

36 The new Tariff calculator
Designed to provide an indication of overall Tariff score. Recognise that numbers are not as easy to add together. Strong demand from schools and colleges for a calculator. The Tariff is an indicative score only. Not all universities or colleges use the Tariff, or accept all of the qualifications contained within it… 25/02/2019

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43 The new Tariff video UCAS has designed a video, which explains the new Tariff and is accessible via 25/02/2019

44 7. Implementation case studies

45 Leeds Beckett University Readiness for the new Tariff
Amber Green Top-level understanding (CMT, Marketing, Admissions colleagues) but not yet a full understanding of impact. Positives at present time Understanding of the potential impact of change A willingness for collective working amongst various services/faculties Opportunity presented for a review Next steps Developing Tariff calculator and other materials Translation of existing requirements into new currency Review of requirements in light of qualification reforms 25/02/2019

46 Arts University Bournemouth Readiness for the new Tariff
Amber Currently Senior management aware and they requested a presentation on changes Admissions Team has some info Implementation plan and timeline is in draft Meetings are due to take place with WP, Outreach and Marketing shortly to keep up to date I have been in conversations with SITS/Tribal (third party IT supplier) about any potential impacts; they have been very helpful but updates are down to admissions staff Next steps Cascade info to relevant staff and give them tools and UCAS materials to ensure understanding and ability to answer enquiries Translate entry requirements and offers to new Tariff Get approval from SMT/Academic Board Update SITS tables, offer library and offer letters 25/02/2019

47 Middlesex University London Readiness for the new Tariff
Amber Currently Understanding and discussion with senior management Effect of change partially understood… but more work to do Initial response formed… but not yet approved Next Steps Educating academic & professional colleagues Changing MDX language 25/02/2019

48 We want your implementation to be successful!
Next steps We want your implementation to be successful! UCAS Relationship Managers – to discuss progress or blockers Technical Relationship Managers – discuss any technical issues Regional Forums and Standing Groups – share progress and strategies Buddying – join up with people today The new total Tariff points will appear in the same type of Tariff Tables as the current Tariff. This means that students, teachers and advisers can focus on the new Total Tariff numbers as detailed in the new UCAS Tariff Tables. 25/02/2019

49 Feedback Please feedback on this pack via Alternatively contact the UCAS Policy Team directly: Margaret Farragher Head of Policy and Qualifications 49

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