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Practicum 1 Introduction Objectives Course requirements &description

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1 Practicum 1 Introduction Objectives Course requirements &description
Learning outcomes Assessment details

2 Introduction: This Practicum is the beginning of your carrier as a
Pharmacist or an Asst.Pharmacist and to achieve the professional standard through practicing it. The student will take this opportunity to learn professional skills and apply the theoretical knowledge to the practicing field.

3 Objectives of Prcm1 The program is intended to build up confidence within the student to practice at a Community Pharmacy settings. Achieve a professional standard, skills and integrity in their practicing area of pharmacy.

4 Course Description This is a two weeks introductory program, giving an opportunity to the student to observe the professional activities of a practicing pharmacist and an asst. pharmacist. Credit hours: 2 Contact hours: 120hrs Duration : 2 weeks (12days) Training hours : 8hours/day

5 Requirements for Practicum 1
Prerequisites needed:1) Pharmacy practice1 2) Pharmacology 1&2 3) Pharmacy Law 4) Pharmaceutics1 CGPA Should be minimum 2 MUST REGISTER IN EDUWAVE

6 Absentee Policy Students who failed to attend one day with valid reasons will be allowed to continue the training and has to compensate the missed contact hours. Students who failed to attend two days with valid reasons will be allowed to continue the training with a warning and has to compensate the missed contact hours. Students who failed to attend 3 days for any reasons will be barred from the training and should repeat the practical training.

7 Assessment policy Assessment process involves direct and indirect measurements to ensure program objectives and learning outcomes have been achieved. Assessment Details: Maximum 100%

8 Assessment Details Assessment Percentage (%) Due
Class Lecture Attendance& training site attendance 10+10=20 End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor/ Training Supervisor 40 Within 7 days of completion of training Log Book Evaluation (Neatness & Legibility 10%, Filled medicaments classification part 20%, filled other parts of log book 10 %) Within 14 days of log book submission

9 Plagiarism policy As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR , the following actions (not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract penalties: copy the work of another student; directly copy any part of another person’s work; summarize another person’s work; use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work; or use experimental results or data obtained or gathered by another person. cheat during an exam

10 Instructions to the student
This is your first step into pharmacy practice. You must make every effort to learn / observe as much as you can during the training period. You must keep Professional integrity, skills, sincerity throughout the training period and should give proper respect to your supervisor. You must wear proper clothes& apron with university logo at the training site. You must be punctual and regular in appearing at training site. If you are regularly late at training site, your grade will be reduced accordingly. If you are 1 to 2 days absent your grade will be reduced. If you are absent 3 or more days you will have to repeat this practicum.

11 Instructions to the student
Training hours must be not less than 8 hours a day, if the shift in your training site is less than 8 hours then you will have to complete your remaining hours on the other shift of the same day. You cannot change the training site without the prior approval from the Asst.Dean for training /clinical instructor. You have to fill all parts of this log book with a neat and clear hand written. Don't spend most of the time in filling the log book during the training hours, better to do as homework. You must maintain patient’s confidentiality. You must follow the regulations of training sites and maintain its confidentiality.

12 Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, the students must able to: List the importance and benefits of doing such practicum. Define the definition and functions of a Community Pharmacy & the responsibilities of a Pharmacist and Assistant Pharmacist in a Community Pharmacy set up. Describe the methods to gather and gain the knowledge of pharmacy practice from an actual community pharmacy setup. To integrate and apply their theoretical knowledge into practicing skills for providing a better pharmaceutical care and builds a professionalism and ethics in your life

13 Learning outcomes 5. Describe the stockings of medicaments in the Pharmacy and how to arrange them including their storage conditions. 6. Describe the generic &brand names of medicines. 7. Describe the OTC medication and list out the medicines. 8. Describe the types of prescriptions, how to read it and identify the medications with their indications. Describe the major adverse reactions of some group of drugs. Define various types of medicaments available in Oman and study their Brand names with writing.

14 Orientation to Practicum
Organizational structure of a Community Pharmacy Introduce yourself to the Pharmacy, Pharmacist,Asst.Pharmacist and other staffs. Qualification of the Preceptor and other pharmacists and asst.pharmacists.

15 Orientation to Practicum
Pharmacist and Asst.pharmacist role in the pharmacy. Know about the inventory procedure in pharmacy Necessary equipments needed for the pharmacy

16 Stocking of medicaments
Major area in pharmacy to be occupied by medicaments. Only 1/3rd area is allowed to keep cosmetic items. Arrangements of medicines:- 3 types 1) Alphabetical order 2) Manufacturing company/Supplier-wise 3) Pharmacological Group-wise

17 Storage conditions Cool place :- 15—25 degree Celsius
Cold place:- 2— ,, Room temp:- 25— ,, All medicines should be protected from sunlight and moisture

18 Generic name & Brand name
Generic name:-The official medical name for the active ingredient of the medicine. eg:-Paracetamol Brand name:-The trade name, the manufacturer gives to the medicine. eg:- Calpol (Paracetamol)

19 Prescription A prescription is a medico-legal document, which should be legibly written in ink by the Registered Medical Practioners. The prescription should contain; Name of the Hospital/Clinic &Address Doctor’s name and professional title, Date

20 Prescription Full information of the patient:- Name,, Sex,
Age /DOB, Body wt.(if applicable) Drug name & Dose regimen Dr.sign & Date

21 Prescription Categories
For administrative purposes, drugs in Oman are categorized into the following groups; 1.Restricted drugs :- to be prescribed by consultants and specialists or to be used by specialized units.

22 Prescription Categories
2.Controlled drugs:- to be prescribed on a special prescription and these are; (a) Narcotics:- classified according to INCB& to prescribed using red/pink prescription (b) Psychotropic:- to be prescribed using green prescription in govt sector &yellow prescription in private sector

23 Prescription Categories
( c) Non psychotropic:- White color prescription in both govt.& private sector 3.Complementary Drugs:- As per complimentary drug list ( CDL) for rare disorders or in exceptional circumstances to be made available on demand by specialists

24 Prescription Categories
4.General drugs:- Prescribed by doctors without any specific limitation. 5.Over The Counter (OTC) drugs:- No need of prescription to buy these drugs

25 By Ph.Philip K Mathew B.Sc, B.Pharm Clinical instructor School of Pharmacy University of Nizwa

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