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Signals and Systems EE235 Leo Lam © 2010-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Signals and Systems EE235 Leo Lam © 2010-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signals and Systems EE235 Leo Lam ©

2 Today’s menu Midterm over! Switching gear…
Today: Linear, Constant-Coefficient Differential Equation And this week: NO HOMEWORK! Leo Lam ©

3 LCCDE, what will we do Why do we care? Because it is everything!
Represents LTI systems Solve it: Homogeneous Solution + Particular Solution Test for system stability (via characteristic equation) Relationship between HS (Natural Response) and Impulse response Using exponentials est 3 Leo Lam ©

4 Circuit example Want to know the current i(t) around the circuit
Resistor Capacitor Inductor 4 Leo Lam ©

5 Circuit example Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) 5 input output
Leo Lam ©

6 Differential Eq as LTI system
x(t) y(t) Inputs and outputs to system T have a relationship defined by the LTI system: Let “D” mean d()/dt (a2D2+a1D+a0)y(t)=(b2D2+b1D+b0)x(t) Defining Q(D) Defining P(D) 6 Leo Lam ©

7 Differential Eq as LTI system (example)
x(t) y(t) Inputs and outputs to system T have a relationship defined by the LTI system: Let “D” mean d()/dt 7 Leo Lam ©

8 Differential Equation: Linearity
Define: Can we show that: What do we need to prove? 8 Leo Lam ©

9 Differential Equation: Time Invariance
System works the same whenever you use it Shift input/output – Proof Example: Time shifted system: Time invariance? Yes: substitute t for t (time shift the input) 9 Leo Lam ©

10 Differential Equation: Time Invariance
Any pure differential equation is a time-invariant system: Are these linear/time-invariant? Linear, time-invariant Linear, not TI Non-Linear, TI Linear, time-invariant Linear, time-invariant Linear, not TI 10 Leo Lam ©

11 Total response(t)=Zero-input response (t)+Zero-state output(t)
LTI System response A little conceptual thinking Time: t=0 Linear system: Zero-input response and Zero-state output do not affect each other T Unknown past Initial condition zero-input response (t) T Input x(t) zero-state output (t) Total response(t)=Zero-input response (t)+Zero-state output(t) 11 Leo Lam ©

12 Zero input response 12 General nth-order differential equation
Zero-input response: x(t)=0 Solution of the Homogeneous Equation is the natural/general response/solution or complementary function Homogeneous Equation 12 Leo Lam ©

13 Zero input response (example)
Using the first example: Zero-input response: x(t)=0 Need to solve: Solve (challenge) n for “natural response” 13 Leo Lam ©

14 Zero input response (example)
Solve Guess solution: Substitute: One term must be 0: Characteristic Equation 14 Leo Lam ©

15 Zero input response (example)
Solve Guess solution: Substitute: We found: Solution: Characteristic roots = natural frequencies/ eigenvalues Unknown constants: Need initial conditions 15 Leo Lam ©

16 Zero input response (example)
4 steps to solving Differential Equations: Step 1. Find the zero-input response = natural response yn(t) Step 2. Find the Particular Solution yp(t) Step 3. Combine the two Step 4. Determine the unknown constants using initial conditions 16 Leo Lam ©

17 From earlier 17 Solve Guess solution: Substitute: We found: Solution:
Characteristic roots = natural frequencies/ eigenvalues Unknown constants: Need initial conditions 17 Leo Lam ©

18 Zero-state output of LTI system
Total response(t)=Zero-input response (t)+Zero-state output(t) Response to our input x(t) LTI system: characterize the zero-state with h(t) Initial conditions are zero (characterizing zero-state output) Zero-state output: T d(t) h(t) 18 Leo Lam ©

19 Zero-state output of LTI system
Total response(t)=Zero-input response (t)+Zero-state output(t) Zero-input response: Zero-state output: Total response: “Zero-state”: d(t) is an input only at t=0 Also called: Particular Solution (PS) or Forced Solution 19 Leo Lam ©

20 Zero-state output of LTI system
Finding zero-state output (Particular Solution) Solve: Or: Guess and check Guess based on x(t) 20 Leo Lam ©

21 Trial solutions for Particular Solutions
Guess based on x(t) Input signal for time t> 0 x(t) Guess for the particular function yP 21 Leo Lam ©

22 Particular Solution (example)
Find the PS (All initial conditions = 0): Looking at the table: Guess: Its derivatives: 22 Leo Lam ©

23 Particular Solution (example)
Substitute with its derivatives: Compare: 23 Leo Lam ©

24 Particular Solution (example)
From We get: And so: 24 Leo Lam ©

25 Particular Solution (example)
Note this PS does not satisfy the initial conditions! Not 0! 25 Leo Lam ©

26 Natural Response (doing it backwards)
Guess: Characteristic equation: Therefore: 26 Leo Lam ©

27 Complete solution (example)
We have Complete Soln: Derivative: 27 Leo Lam ©

28 Complete solution (example)
Last step: Find C1 and C2 Complete Soln: Derivative: Subtituting: Two equations Two unknowns 28 Leo Lam ©

29 Complete solution (example)
Last step: Find C1 and C2 Solving: Subtitute back: Then add u(t): y n ( t ) y ( t ) u(t) is there to enforce the fact that the forced signal was applied at t=0, remember the input was sin(t)u(t). y p ( t ) 29 Leo Lam ©

30 Another example Solve: Homogeneous equation for natural response:
Characteristic Equation: Therefore: Input x(t) 30 Leo Lam ©

31 Another example Solve: Particular Solution for Table lookup:
Subtituting: Solving: b=-1, a=-2 Input signal for time t> 0 x(t) Guess for the particular function yP No change in frequency! 31 Leo Lam ©

32 Another example Solve: Total response:
Solve for C with given initial condition y(0)=3 Tada! 32 Leo Lam ©

33 Stability for LCCDE Stable with all Re(lj)<0 Given:
A negative l means decaying exponentials Characteristic modes 33 Leo Lam ©

34 Stability for LCCDE Graphically Stable with all Re(lj)<0
“Marginally Stable” if Re(lj)=0 IAOW: BIBO Stable iff Re(eigenvalues)<0 Im Re Roots over here are stable 34 Leo Lam ©

35 Summary Differential equation as LTI system Complete example tomorrow
Leo Lam ©

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