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Presentation on theme: "THE HERACLES FRAMEWORK IN RELATION TO GROUNDWATER PROTECTION"— Presentation transcript:

HUMAN HEALTH AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT FOR CONTAMINATED LAND IN EU MEMBER STATES IN RELATION TO GROUNDWATER PROTECTION Claudio Carlon, Marco D’Alessandro, Giovanni Bidoglio European Commission Joint Research Centre 9th Groundwater WG-C WS, Feb 14th, BrusselsJRC – Ispra

2 Presentation index Land versus Groundwater?
The HERACLES project to promote the development of common references for contaminated land Groundwater protection issues addressed by HERACLES

FOR CONTAMINATED LAND IN EU MEMBER STATES Land*: a geographical area (single site, region, etc.), including soil, groundwater beneath the surface of the land and surface water Contaminated land*: ...with confirmed presence of “dangerous substances” causes by man in such a level that they may pose a risk to a receptor... *After the Contamination and Land Management WG in support of the “Soil Thematic Strategy,”

4 In contaminated land risk assessment Groundwater
Recipient and Vehicle of exposure Drinking water, Showering, Irrigation, Vapors intrusion Surface water ecosystem

5 HERACLES OBJECTIVE Is a long term research framework for the collaboration of JRC with other European institutes (research institutes and other interested bodies) in developing common references for risk assessment of contaminated land It combines pilot projects/desk studies with working groups discussion to activate a dynamic process of methodological development, demonstration activities and consultation Scientific basis for common references HERACLES Working Groups request research and demonstration HERACLES pilot projects desk studies

6 Collaboration with other institutes (and interested bodies)
JRC will ensure the maintenance/coordination of the HERACLES network and will be responsible for some tasks The participation of other Institutes is open, possible at various levels and mainly on voluntary basis The outcomes will feed into the process for the development of a European soil protection policy

7 Both human health and ecological risk assessment will be considered.
HERACLES framework Operationally, three levels of risk assessment have been distinguished. Both human health and ecological risk assessment will be considered. Relative Risk Assessment aims identifying priority risk sources in order to support environmental policies at regional scale. They are based on qualitative models applied to specific environmental and exposure conditions. Screening Risk Assessment aims at providing national/regional screening/guidance values for concentration of contaminants in soil. They are based on quantitative models applied to general conditions. Site Specific Risk Assessment aims at providing an analysis of the risk to human health and the environment at a definite site on the basis of quantitative models applied to specific environmental and exposure conditions.

8 Outline of the HERACLES framework

9 started started Pilot and Desk studies Screening Risk Assessment
DESK (1): Review and tool box approach for soil screening (generic) thresholds Launched by JRC, wide collaboration of EU Research Institutes. started Relative Risk Assessment PILOT (1): Spatial Decision Support System for regional assessment of degraded land. Started at JRC. started Site Specific Risk Assessment DESK (2): Review of approaches and operational tools for SS-ERA. Proposal under discussion PILOT (2): Network case studies of SS-ERA. Proposal under discussion

10 of Soil Generic Contaminant Thresholds
Desk study 1 Risk Based derivation of Soil Generic Contaminant Thresholds Wide collaboration of EU Research Institutes. Review of methodologies for the derivation of generic thresholds values across Europe. Reference to both soil and groundwater thresholds. Distinction between politically driven and technically driven differences Impact assessment of differences in threshold values Application of the tool box concept and development of a preliminary proposal Open consultation Questionnaire Country profile Threshold values

11 Generic threshold values
Different uses e.g. thresholds based on general (not site specific) conditions are used for: setting priorities of intervention at regional scale trigging further investigations enforcing remediation interventions targets for remediation interventions various English translations have been adopted, such as guidelines, trigger, target, action, intervention, clean-up or cut-off values.

12 Towards a coherent framework: Screening values for different purposes
Screening Risk Assessment Acceptable in realistic derivation and not affected by site-specific variability Acceptable in conservative derivation Acceptable in realistic derivation Negligible Concentration Long term objectives e.g. Target values Further investigation e.g. Trigger value Need of remediation e.g. Intervention values Urgency of remediation e.g. cut-off values

13 Which kind of common references
Build up your nation/regional toolbox! TOOLS and DATABASE: some standards, some flexible or alternative TOOL Calculation of euilibium concentration in vegetables TOOL Compound specific data TOOL transport Volatile compounds TOOL Bioavailability in human body TOOL Reference dose TOOLBOXES TOOLBOX Human exposure calculation TOOL Bioavailability in human body TOOL Reference dose TOOLBOX Human exposure calculation TOOLBOX Human health risk assessment Modified after Frank Swartjes, 2005

14 e.g. protected receptors
Related issues in the risk–based derivation of soil and groundwater threshold values e.g. protected receptors For soil human health terrestrial ecosystem aquatic ecosystem groundwater For groundwater human health aquatic ecosystem terrestrial ecosystem Generic thresholds for soil are often mainly driven by groundwater protection (e.g. Austria, Denmark, Germany). Generic thresholds for groundwater are often related to drinking use only (e.g. France, Finland, Italy). In some cases, thresholds for groundwater are partially derived from soil thresholds (e.g. The Netherlands)

15 Different pathways can be considered
Routes of exposure - human Ingestion and direct contact Outdoor: soil ingestion Indoor: dust ingestion Indoor: dermal exposure to soil derived dust Outdoor: dermal exposure to soil Air Outdoor: inhalation of soil vapours Outdoor: inhalation of soil derived dust Outdoor: inhalation of volatilized irrigation water Indoor: inhalation of soil originated vapours Indoor: inhalation of groundwater vapours Indoor: inhalation of volatilized domestic water GroundW. Use drinking Showering Irrigation surface water use Swimming Surface water consumption of fish and shellfish Diet Res. diet: uptake of homegrown vegetables Res. diet: Ingestion of soil attached to vegetables Res. diet: uptake of homegrown fruits Res. diet: ingestion of soil attached to fruits Res. diet: consumption of meat Res. diet: consumption of diary products Exposure pathways Different pathways can be considered Pathways Routes of exposure Terrestrial ecosytem GroundW. Irrigation use outflow Soil Plant uptake Dermal contact Ingestion Bio-accumulation/magnification in vertebrates Aquatic ecosytem Groundwater inflow Aquatic ecosystem Bioconcetration in algae Bioaccumulation/magnification in mussels and fishes

16 Related issues in the risk–based derivation of soil and groundwater threshold values
Point of compliance for both protection and remediation of groundwater resources? monitoring borehole at site boundary Off-site monitoring borehole Receptor: e.g. abstraction well or surface water Contaminated soil Generic groundwater thresholds are usually immediately below the source. Site specific can usually move the point of compliance to the boundary of the site or to the receptor on the basis of current/potential use of groundwater resource?

17 Groundwater use or degree of protection
Related issues in the risk–based derivation of soil and groundwater threshold values Groundwater use or degree of protection Water Asbtraction Contaminated soil ? Generic soil thresholds usually depends on land use, but groundwater consumption is usually considered for all uses. Generic groundwater thresholds are usually very restrictive and do not depend on groundwater use or degree of protection. Degree of protection is considered at site specific level.

18 Acceptance of natural attenuation (NA) processes?
Related issues in the risk–based derivation of soil and groundwater threshold values Acceptance of natural attenuation (NA) processes? NA reduces mass, toxicity, mobility, volume or concentration of contaminants. In the general sense, NA includes dispersion, dilution, volatilisation, adsorption, chemical or biological stabilisation or destruction of contaminants Contaminated soil Water Asbtraction NA is never considered in setting generic soil thresholds. At site specific level is considered, but in many countries dilution is not accepted if not associated to mass or toxicity reduction.

19 Related issues in the risk–based derivation of soil and groundwater threshold values
How background values (of soil or groundwater) are taken into account? How background exposure (not related to soil or groundwater contamination) is taken into account? Acceptable risk? Consideration of practical implications (economic, financial and social)? Harmonization of risk based acceptable concentration (e.g. for soil) with that of other compartments (e.g. for groundwater)?

20 Related issues in the risk–based derivation of soil and groundwater threshold values
Human Toxicological and Eco-toxicological assessment Which data sources ? Usually US-EPA and WHO (differ up to a factor 10 or more), in some cases national databases or Committee General lack of data Which effects ? Survival, Growth, Reproduction, Mobility, Microbial mediated processes, Enzyme activities Chemical-specific properties? Exposure factors? relevant need for common database, mainly for ecotox and human tox High=1 Low=0.5 Low=0

21 Conclusion remarks About risk assessment common references
Great differences in practices and methodological development Some related to geographical, social, cultural and regulatory conditions Coherent framework and tool-box for many methodological elements and data bases highly beneficial, both for the generic and site specific risk assessment Soil and groundwater risk assessment are closely related at the level of assumptions, models and input values. Implications both at regulatory level and for scientific basis. About HERACLES It addresses the issues of risk assessment common references from the perspective of soil contamination, but will try to integrate at best soil and water related issues. It is open to the contribution of all interested Institutes and Bodies.


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