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Somebody did a golden deed, Proving himself a friend indeed;

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Presentation on theme: "Somebody did a golden deed, Proving himself a friend indeed;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Somebody did a golden deed, Proving himself a friend indeed;
Somebody sang a cheerful song, Bright’ning the sky the whole day long, Was that somebody you? 1-3 Words by John R. Clements / Music by Winfield S. Weeden

2 Somebody made a loving gift, Cheerfully tried a load to lift;
Somebody Did A Golden Deed Somebody made a loving gift, Cheerfully tried a load to lift; Somebody fought a valiant fight, Bravely he lived to shield the right, Was that somebody you? 2-3

3 Somebody filled the days with light, Constantly chased away the night.
Somebody Did A Golden Deed Somebody filled the days with light, Constantly chased away the night. Somebody told the love of Christ, Told how His will was sacrificed, Was that somebody you? 3-3

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