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Writing Academic Papers In English Language Journals

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Academic Papers In English Language Journals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Academic Papers In English Language Journals
The Title Video Presentation Written and Presented by Aj Roy Morien of the Naresuan University Graduate School.

2 Why is the Title important?

3 Focus Title The Stream of Discussion Through Your Paper
The Title establishes the Focus of the paper Focus

4 Focus Title Abstract The Stream of Discussion Through Your Paper
The Focus is continued through the Abstract, with a focused summary of the paper Abstract Focus

5 Focus Title Abstract Keywords
The Stream of Discussion Through Your Paper Title Abstract Focus The Keywords provide extra searchability, relevant to the Focus of the paper. Keywords

6 Focus Title Abstract Keywords Discussion
The Stream of Discussion Through Your Paper Title Abstract Focus Keywords You then discuss at length your research – maintaining the Focus. Discussion

7 Focus Title Abstract Keywords Conclusion
The Stream of Discussion Through Your Paper Title Abstract Focus Keywords Discussion Conclusion To arrive at the Conclusion, which summarises the discussion and relevance of the Focus

8 Focus Title Abstract Keywords Conclusions
The Stream of Discussion Through Your Paper Title Abstract Focus At all times paying close attention to the Focus of the paper Keywords Discussion Conclusions

9 Your paper must have a very clear FOCUS
The FOCUS must be on one major idea or one single aspect of your research. If your paper is derived from your Thesis or Dissertation, then it is quite possible that you might write more than one paper, each one focussing on one important aspect of your research and results. Your motto must be “ONE IDEA, ONE PAPER”. Don’t ‘waste’ a second idea on the same paper … write a second paper to publish on that second idea.

10 Your paper must have a very clear FOCUS
The FOCUS must be on one major idea or one single aspect of your research. If your paper is derived from your Thesis or Dissertation, then it is quite possible that you might write more than one paper, each one focussing on one important aspect of your research and results. Your motto must be “ONE IDEA, ONE PAPER”. Don’t ‘waste’ a second idea on the same paper … write a second paper to publish on that second idea.

11 Your paper must have a very clear FOCUS
The FOCUS must be on one major idea or one single aspect of your research. If your paper is derived from your Thesis or Dissertation, then it is quite possible that you might write more than one paper, each one focussing on one important aspect of your research and results. Your motto must be “ONE IDEA, ONE PAPER”. Don’t ‘waste’ a second idea on the same paper … write a second paper to publish on that second idea.

12 Your motto must be “ONE IDEA, ONE PAPER”.
Your paper must have a very clear FOCUS The FOCUS must be on one major idea or one single aspect of your research. If your paper is derived from your Thesis or Dissertation, then it is quite possible that you might write more than one paper, each one focussing on one important aspect of your research and results. Your motto must be “ONE IDEA, ONE PAPER”. Don’t ‘waste’ a second idea on the same paper … write a second paper to publish on that second idea.

13 Your paper must have a very clear FOCUS
The FOCUS must be on one major idea or one single aspect of your research. If your paper is derived from your Thesis or Dissertation, then it is quite possible that you might write more than one paper, each one focussing on one important aspect of your research and results. Your motto must be “ONE IDEA, ONE PAPER”. Don’t ‘waste’ a second idea on the same paper … write a second paper to publish on that second idea.

14 Value Stream Analysis An approach to analysing business processes to identify every step in the process that adds value to the final product, And Identifies and eradicates any step in the process that does not add value to the final product. A “Value Stream Analysis” approach to writing papers means that every word, every phrase, every sentence, is directly related to the topic, and supports the Focus of the paper: not redundant, not repetitive, not irrelevant.

15 Because it immediately states the Focus of the article
Why is the Title important? Because it immediately states the Focus of the article AND Because, the Title is the first text you see on online indexes. SO It must grab the attention of anyone looking for papers on this topic.

16 Why is the Title important? AND
Because it immediately states the Focus of the article AND Because, the Title is the first text you see in online indexes. SO It must grab the attention of anyone looking for papers on this topic.

17 Why is the Title important?
Because it immediately states the Focus of the article AND Because, the Title is the first text you see on online indexes. SO It must grab the attention of anyone looking for papers on this topic.

18 The title predicts the content of the research paper.
Consider these two titles: Testing the compressive strength of concrete containing waste sugar sediment in the mix Using waste sugar sediment in concrete mix: tests of the compressive strength of the concrete

19 Consider the first of these two titles:
Consider the first of these two titles: Testing the compressive strength of concrete containing waste sugar sediment in the mix This title immediately introduces the primary topic (compressive strength of concrete), with the sub-text about using waste sugar sediment. Any construction engineer, who deals with concrete in buildings and constructions, will be immediately aware that this paper may be of interest to them.

20 Look again at the 2nd Title, written a little bit differently:
Using waste sugar sediment in concrete mix: Economic, Environmental and Ecological Impacts This title would be of immediate interest to a different group of people. Perhaps an engineer involved in agribusiness or sugar refining.

21 So, you should know at which community of readers you want to aim your paper.
AND The title should immediately attract the attention of readers in that community

22 Look again at the 2nd Title, written a little bit differently:
What if we turned the title around: Environmental, Ecological, and Landfill Management Impacts of using waste sugar sediment in concrete mix This title would be more likely to attract the attention of environmentalists.

23 The title should immediately indicate the style or tone of the paper
Testing the compressive strength of concrete, with waste sugar sediment in the mix This title clearly implies an objective, experimental, quantitative, ‘scientific’ paper.

24 Environmental, Ecological, and Landfill Management Impacts of using waste sugar sediment in concrete mix This title indicates a more discursive approach, considering various aspects. It could be classified more as a ‘qualitative analysis’ papers, sociological tone.

25 ‘The effects of family support on patients with dementia’
Declarative titles – state the main findings or conclusions A three-month weight loss program increases self-esteem in adolescent girls’ Descriptive titles – describe the subject of the article but do not reveal the main conclusions ‘The effects of family support on patients with dementia’ Interrogative titles – introduce the subject in the form of a question ‘Does cognitive training improve performance on pattern recognition tasks?’

26 The paper should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during an on-line keyword search. Environmental, Ecological, and Landfill Management Impacts of using waste sugar sediment in concrete mix This title has 5 ‘keywords’ or key phrases: Environmental Ecological Landfill management waste sugar sediment Concrete mix

27 The paper should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during an on-line keyword search. Testing the compressive strength of concrete containing waste sugar sediment in the mix The ‘keywords’ here are: compressive strength of concrete strength of concrete waste sugar sediment

28 Student Activity Search on-line for a paper that is in your academic area of interest. Carefully read the title. Does the Title give you a good idea of what the paper is about? What keywords are in the Title. What keywords did you use to search for the paper? Are these keywords in the Title of your paper, or in your paper’s Keyword list? Do a search on-line using every keyword that you have included in your Keyword list. How successful were they in finding interesting papers?

29 This ends the discussion on the Title
We now move to the next section in our Focus Stream The Abstract.

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