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288-182 Expertise in pricing David Eurin Introducing Analysys Mason June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "288-182 Expertise in pricing David Eurin Introducing Analysys Mason June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 288-182 Expertise in pricing David Eurin Introducing Analysys Mason June 2007

2 2 Confidential 288-182 Analysys Masons pricing specialists have helped clients to improve ARPU by 4–8% and obtain higher margins We have a proven track record in the design and optimisation of telecoms tariffs, based on an analytical toolset and approach developed over the last ten years Our approach integrates: w alignment of pricing strategy with overall strategic objectives and assurance that short-term pricing decisions support a long-term vision w quantification of the likely impact of these changes on revenues and margins Our extensive experience in telecoms pricing provides insight into the pricing approaches to adopt: w wide international experience of what works and what does not work w proprietary tools and proven techniques – such as our PriceManager tariff analysis engine, the identification of pricing levers, and the analysis of tariff effectiveness Alignment of pricing strategy Quantification of impact on revenue and margins Overall strategic objectives Market demand and expectations Pricing strategy Regulatory environment

3 3 Confidential 288-182 Our methodology covers strategic analysis, tariff development, launch and feedback Agree strategic objectives Analyse current revenue base Analyse current situation Develop and agree strategic objectives: overall by market segment Develop bottom-up model of revenue base Analyse competitive positioning and tariff effectiveness Identify key pricing levers to effect change Refine options, prepare and launch tariffs Model revenue impact of options Undertake primary market research Iterate and develop final tariffs Manage the launch process Generate options Brainstorm options Benchmark experiences from other markets Develop options from key levers identified previously Monitor market response and learn Collect feedback user behaviour, market share competitor response KPIs Evaluate and learn (real elasticities) Iterative process (on quarterly basis) to build on expertise and fine-tune positioning

4 4 Confidential 288-182 Our pricing simulation tool PriceManager performs tactical positioning analysis to optimise ARPU and margins PriceManager enables rapid analysis of current position and simulate the impact of future propositions Price comparison Tariff plan positioning Rapid and detailed price comparison tool, allowing detailed evaluation of the positioning of tariff plans Impact analysis tool, enabling rapid analysis of new tariff plans Rapid comparison of ARPUs resulting from different tariff plans, customer profiles and additional options Clear evaluation of the positioning of tariff plans Analysis of competitive positioning and tariff effectiveness Comparative analyses can be created in seconds, either through a pre- defined interface or directly by browsing the model Impact on revenues and margins Analysis of impact on revenues and margins of new or modified tariffs (taking into account modified customer usage) Detailed revenue breakdown – for example, by destination and time of day Profitability analysis of current and planned tariff plans

5 5 Confidential 288-182 Our pricing expertise has helped operators increase revenues and market positioning Project scopeClientResults Tariff optimisationEuropean mobile operator Tariffs approved by the board and implemented Revenues increased 4–6% Tariff optimisationEmerging mobile operator Tariffs approved by the board and implemented Competitiveness enhanced, increasing market share ARPUs increased 6–8% Tariff optimisationEmerging fixed-line incumbent Tariffs approved by the board and implemented ARPUs increased 5–8% Service launch and tariff design European fixed-line operator Highly successful launch Client is now a major competitor Review of tariffsEuropean mobile operator Identified key areas of competitive risk and imminent churn Recommended and validated new plans Positioning/communicationEuropean fixed-line incumbent Highlighted areas where competitors were better perceived Allowed new tariff plans to focus on the most important aspects PriceManager implementationEuropean incumbent mobile operator Client able to specify tariffs for a major new product launch with clear understanding of revenue impact PriceManager implementationEuropean mobile group Identified competitive positioning in each market Forecasting implementationEmerging mobile operator Fed budget, business plans and holding reporting tools Developed precise forecast on traffic and revenue

6 6 Confidential 288-182 The implementation of tariff promotions based on PriceManager analyses led to a 22% uplift in outgoing national ARPU of a mobile operator The largest mobile operator active in an intensely competitive and growing market wished to analyse its revenue and margin streams and subsequently implement profitable, competitive tariff plans and promotions The operators objective was to sustain a large market share but not at the expense of reduced profitability Business challenge Benefits and results Approach Implemented our PriceManager tariff analysis and simulation tool Analysed the operator's subscriber base and identified key subscriber segments for both retention and usage stimulation purposes Assisted in the development of new tariff plans and promotions designed for retaining customers and increasing voice service usage Helped designed a tariff roadmap for the year to come, in line with the strategic objectives of the company Trained the clients staff in the use of PriceManager We helped to develop a seasonal promotion and subsequently analysed its impact on ARPU After a two-week implementation, monthly outgoing national ARPU rose by 22% and overall monthly prepay ARPU rose by 8% Illustration of output Launch -15 days Promotion launch Launch +15 days Outgoing national ARPU (arbitrary units) ARPU of subscribers taking the promotion Evolution of outgoing national ARPU of prepay customers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 +64% +42% +38% Promotion Monthly ARPU of subscribers taking the promotion Monthly ARPU of all subscribers ARPU of all subscribers ARPU of subscribers not taking the promotion +22%

7 7 Confidential 288-182 David Eurin Analysys Mason Limited Bush House, North West Wing Aldwych, London WC2B 4PJ, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7395 9000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7395 9001

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