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Day 2-3 DateAssignmentPage Civil War K-W-L Chart19 Issues of the CW – C Notes19 Issues Organizer19 Table of Contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 2-3 DateAssignmentPage Civil War K-W-L Chart19 Issues of the CW – C Notes19 Issues Organizer19 Table of Contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 2-3 DateAssignmentPage Civil War K-W-L Chart19 Issues of the CW – C Notes19 Issues Organizer19 Table of Contents

2 Warm-Up Would you rather pay more to buy a twix from your friend or pay less to buy a twix from your enemy?

3 Learning Target I can identify and explain the differing points of view over the causes of the Civil War.

4 What I know about the civil war What I want to know about the civil war Create a 3 column chart like the one below. List anything you KNOW about the CW in the 1st column. List any QUESTIONS you might have in the 2 nd column. Civil War K-W-L

5 Issues of The Civil War C-Notes

6 Causes of the Civil War Video Causes of the Civil War As you watch, look for one way the north was different from the south in the 1800s.

7 Wedges of Separation In the 1800s, the United States was divided on several issues These issues included: 1. Tariffs 2. Slavery 3. States rights 4. Sectionalism These issues divided the country into sections called the North and South

8 Tariffs Video What is a tariff? Who was against a higher tariff? Why?

9 Tariffs Most industries (businesses) were located in the North Northerners wanted a higher tariff on imported goods from other countries. High tariffs would force the South to buy from the North or pay more $ for goods from other countries

10 Tariffs The S. was against a higher tariff A higher tariff meant that it would cost more $ to buy imported goods This would cause the S. to buy from the N. This helped the N.s economy even more England USA

11 Identify how each side felt. Give reasons Where did Texas stand on this issue? Slavery Who? SouthNorth How will Texas feel about TARIFFS? Tariffs (taxes)

12 Slavery Video Who was for slavery? Who was against slavery?

13 Slavery The N. relied on manufacturing to make $$ and didnt need slaves They wanted to stop the spread of slavery or get rid of it all together. (These people were abolitionists) because they thought it was wrong.

14 Slavery The S. economy was based on cotton farming The S. relied on slaves to plant and gather cotton W/out slaves, the southern economy could not survive

15 Identify how each side felt. Give reasons Where did Texas stand on this issue? Slavery Who? SouthNorth How will Texas feel about SLAVERY? Slavery

16 Day 3 DateAssignmentPage Table of Contents

17 States Rights Southerners believed that states (not the federal govt) had the right to decide laws that helped their life The S. believed that the states (not the federal govt) should have slavery if it helped their economy The S. believed if the citizens wanted, their state could secede from the Union (USA).

18 States Rights Northerners believed the national govt was supreme (not the state govt) They believed that the states could not legally separate from the Union (USA). They believed that slavery should be decided by the national govt, not the states ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE…….

19 Identify how each side felt. Give reasons Where did Texas stand on this issue? Slavery Who? SouthNorth How will Texas feel about STATES RIGHTS? STATES RIGHTS

20 Sectionalism Each section had pride and were loyal to their region more than to the Union (USA). Ea. section felt they had the best kind of economy Ea. section felt they were more important than the other Im a northerner. Im a Southerner ….but youre both from the USA!

21 Identify how each side felt. Give reasons. Where did Texas stand on this issue? Slavery Who? SouthNorth How will Texas feel about SECTIONALISM? SECTIONALISM

22 Ticket Out The Door 3 Issues that divided the country 2 reasons why the South was against tariffs 1 reason why the North was against slavery

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