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Sectionalism pt. 2. Compromise to Conflict I. Causes of American Expansion in 1820s and 1840s A. Economic factors 1) Exhaustion of good soil by cotton.

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Presentation on theme: "Sectionalism pt. 2. Compromise to Conflict I. Causes of American Expansion in 1820s and 1840s A. Economic factors 1) Exhaustion of good soil by cotton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sectionalism pt. 2

2 Compromise to Conflict I. Causes of American Expansion in 1820s and 1840s A. Economic factors 1) Exhaustion of good soil by cotton farmers led to search for new land 2) Many settlers pushed west in search of economic gain.

3 Compromise to Conflict B. Psychological factors--Manifest Destiny. Sentiment that the U.S. is destined to rule from coast to coast (and maybe pole to pole) became a key part of national thinking. C. Attractive regions for new settlement-- east Texas, California, Oregon

4 Compromise to Conflict II. Missouri Compromise (1820) A. Missouri, populated mainly by Southerners, applied for statehood in 1819. B. Northern states opposed adding a new slave state to the Union, which would upset the balance of 11 free and 11 slaves in the Senate

5 Compromise to Conflict C. Compromise reached which stated 1) Missouri would enter Union as slave state 2) Maine would enter as free state 3) Line drawn at 36 o 30 o with slavery banned in the portion of the Louisiana Purchase north of that line.


7 Causes of the Civil War Economic – two competing regions – industrial north vs. agrarian south – cheap labor vs. slave labor 1. South believed in nullification of Congressional laws a. Goes back to Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions regarding Alien and Sedition Acts 2. South needed low tariffs because they existed on King Cotton a. Tariff battle for almost a century – south wants low, north high

8 Causes of the Civil War 3…Tariffs of abomination (ca 1828) -Tariffs were raised… South opposed John C. Calhoun called them the Tariffs of Abomination… SC threatened to secede… Jackson threatened to use force… Congress compromised. Jackson believed he won… the South felt they won…and had the right to secede!

9 Causes of the Civil War Political 1. Representation in Senate/Congress (Balance of Power) a. Every new state could ruin balance – both sides feared other side would try to mandate their society on the other federally 2. State power vs. Federal power a. Southern states still felt states were sovereign – goes back to Federalist/Anti- Federalist battle

10 Causes of the Civil War Social -North saw itself as a region of progress, activity, and action…saw the south as an aristocratic medieval region, evil slave owners –South saw itself as honorable, noble, and followers of the code of chivalry…saw the North as corrupt, full of immigrants, urban, pasty white mechanics without honor


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