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Department of Teacher Education
Fall Data Day December 7, 2018
Department Goals for 2018-2019 Are the following goals still valid?
Increase EC-6 certification pass rates to 85% While we are not quite to 85%, this remains a valid goal based on TEA pass rate projections. Increase program enrollment Increasing program enrollment is always a valid goal. Increase recruitment activities and visibility This remains a valid goal. The Recruitment Committee Has participated in Experience ASU and Concho Valley College Night. Is discussing the possibility of working with TAFE. Is gearing up for True Blue Fridays. Review and realign courses and standards Based on the first goal listed, this remains a valid goal, as well.
Dr. Charlene Bustos Grant: Service:
ASU Faculty Learning Commons (FLC)—$2,500 Geography and Literature. To be implemented fall and spring semesters with RDG 3332 students. Service: Collaborates with Law Related Education (LRE) and Region 15 ESC to provide social studies /citizenship teacher training to Block I candidates each semester.
Dr. Leah Carruth Presentation:
At Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Convo in October/November Presented with ASU students Grant: Faculty Learning Commons (FLC) Grant—$2500 Bullying Intervention Program with block students using children’s literature Service: Discovery Night at Tom Green County Library--Stephens Central Branch Awards and Nominations: President’s Teaching Award nomination
Dr. Carlos Flores Presentations: Nominations and Considerations:
Council for Exceptional Children—Teacher Education Division (CEC TED) TExES Special Education Preparation class at Region 15 ESC Nominations and Considerations: Nasim Dil award for the Small Special Education Program Caucus (CEC) Chair the 2022 National CEC TED Conference Leadership position in Texas CEC Proposals accepted: Two for the ACRES Conference in March
Dr. Donna Gee Grant: Presentations: Publications: Lesson Study:
At SPE and AATC, with Dr. Varbelow, in October 2018 World Association of Lesson Studies Conference, in Japan. Successes and challenges of Texas USA lesson study initiative: Geographical influences. With Dr. Yarema. Publications: Book chapter (with Dr. Varbelow) The curriculum in praxis: How purpose of school is actualized in Vietnam, Mexico, and the United States. Article (August 2018, with Dr. Yarema) Look beyond just getting the answer: Lesson study to enhance mathematics teaching. Lesson Study: Lesson Study Immersion Program in Japan under the direction of Dr. Takahashi, an international expert in Lesson Study from DePaul University. Collaborated with Region 15 ESC in conducting Lesson Study workshops and implementing Lesson Study with teachers. Grant: With Dr. Purkiss, submitted a Girls Who Code, technology/coding grant proposal to the Texas Workforce Commission for three summer camps to be held next summer here at ASU. Study Abroad: Australia
Dr. Christine Purkiss Grants: Presentation:
Co-PI with Carla Eberling in Biology, submitted, received, and implemented a Texas Workforce Commission grant for a one week STEM summer camp for students with disabilities at ASU in July. With Dr. Gee, submitted a Girls Who Code, technology/coding grant proposal to the Texas Workforce Commission for three summer camps to be held next summer here at ASU. Presentation: Invited: National Science Teachers Association National Conference, St. Louis, April, 2019 for the Elementary Extravaganza Session. Presentation will be a hands-on activity that appeared in the NSTA Children and Science journal (for which I am now considered a senior reviewer).
Dr. Marva Solomon Publication (February 2019): Presentation: Grants:
Research in the Teaching of English (RTE—Flagship journal for NCTE, and acceptance rate of 10%) Counter-storytelling vs. Deficit Thinking: African American Children and Families, Digital Literacies, Race, and the Digital Divide Presentation: Literacy Research Association conference Topic: African American boys and purposeful digital play. Grants: Faculty Learning Commons (FLC) Grant—$2500 Learning Literacy in the Makerspace National Writing Project Grant for College Ready Writing Professional development for middle and high school teachers Service: Finished 3-year term as Area 2 Chair for the Literacy Research Association Pearl of the Concho Writing Project Teen and Youth Camps
Dr. Sonja Varbelow Presentations: Publications: Grants: Study Abroad:
At SPE and AATC, with Dr. Gee, in October Publications: Book chapter (with Dr. Gee) The curriculum in praxis: How purpose of school is actualized in Vietnam, Mexico, and the United States. Grants: Faculty Learning Commons Grant—$2500 Study Abroad: Australia Service: Chair at AERA panel Awards and Nominations: President’s Research Award nomination
Department Tally Publications: 3 Presentations: 8 Grants: 7
Proposals accepted: 2 Awards, nominations, and considerations: 5 Service appointments: 5 Study Abroad: 2 Lesson Study: 2
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