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Patented Precision 8 August 2014 US Patent 6,775,914

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1 Patented Precision 8 August 2014 US Patent 6,775,914
Can Patent 2,405,133 Other Patents Pending

2 The New SurPRO 4000 SurPRO comes from words “Surface” & “Profiler”
Used on roads, structures, runways and floors 22 years of R&D and continuous improvement US & Can patents-inertial stabilizer & geometry SurPRO 3000 developed under FHWA contract: “Improving the Quality of Pavement Profile Measurement-Priority Number One: Reference Device” SurPRO 4000 and 4000L (laser) available now Includes all features of SurPRO 3500 Upgrades from 3500 to 4000 model available

3 FHWA Reference Profiler Introducing SurPRO 4000
Added Laser Adjustable short wavelength to 75mm (3in) or less Short wavelength is phase and amplitude accurate Sunlight shields for laser Optical Target Sensor for precise DMI (+/-1cm error) Automatic start and stop of profiler Automatic start and stop of distance (DMI) cal. Enables very high accuracy short waveband Millimeter sampling High Quality processing

4 SurPRO 4000L Laser sunlight shields (2) Laser, under center of SurPRO
in machined box Optical Target Sensor

5 SurPRO 4000L Short Wavelength Extension
SurPRO 4000 extends to 4.0 cycle/m (250 mm) sufficient for IRI, medium and long wavebands SurPRO 4000L extends to 13.3 cycle/m (75 mm) to add short waveband cross-correlation of 94% Additional Spectral Content SurPRO 4000L (red) SurPRO 4000 (black) 13.3 cycle/m 4.0 cycle/m

6 SurPRO 4000L 94% Short Waveband Cross-Correlation
SurPRO 4000L TT run zoomed in to show 1.6m BW high pass filtered slope detail matching

7 Optical Targets Optical Target Sensor detects leading edge of
each target and records precise distance (location)

8 FHWA Reference Profiler Data Collection 14-15 May 2013
Record High Temperatures Checked out unit Calibrated distance on 1000’ DMI site Collected 7 runs on 6 test sections in 2 days Repeated DG because of curling on 14 May

9 Pavement Thermal Shock DG Concrete Slab Curling
14 May 1:10PM 39.3C (102.7F) 15 May 5:44 to 7:07AM C ( F) 14 May 11:55AM 33.4C (92.1F) 1.0mm (0.04in) 1.9mm (0.075in) 4.69m (15.4ft) DG, 14 Runs, 14 & 15 May, BW bandpass filtered 1.6 to 8 m (Medium Waveband)

10 Effect of Temp on DG Cross Correlation
DG slab curling during scorcher Data collected 11:45AM-1:10PM at 7 min per run Sequential CC correlates each run with preceding run. First Run CC correlates each run with first run.

11 Effect of Temp on DG Cross Correlation
DG slab generally stable temp at sunrise Data collected 5:45AM-7:07AM at 7 min per run Sequential CC correlates each run with preceding run. First Run CC correlates each run with first run.

12 SurPRO #90 vs SurPRO #91 TT, 5 runs from each cross-correlated in PCM
TT, 1 run from #91 cross-correlated with 5 runs from #90 in PSM, avg. CC of 99.5

Asphalt Concrete (AC) RESULTS PROCESSING NOTES 7 profiles were run on each section; the first was a closed loop. Only the last 6 runs were used to calculate CC Results generally are for #90 profiler Laser alignment on #91 reduced some short waveband CC results Yellow cells indicate Sequential CC method was used due to changing temperatures affecting pavements

14 Asphalt Concrete (AC) 6 Runs Unfiltered
6 Runs BW Highpass 30m 99.9% Repeatability 2 Runs Cross Correlated in ProVAL using IRI filter

15 Chip Seal

16 Chip Seal 6 Runs Unfiltered 6 Runs BW Highpass filtered @ 30m
99.6% Repeatability 2 Runs Cross Correlated in ProVAL using IRI filter

17 Diamond Grinding

18 Diamond Grinding 6 Runs Unfiltered 5 Runs BW Highpass filtered @ 30m
Very small diamond grinder bumps 0.5 mm peak to peak 99.5% Repeatability 2 Runs Cross Correlated in ProVAL using IRI filter

19 Diamond Grinding Very small diamond grinder bumps

20 Longitudinal Tining

21 Longitudinal Tining 6 Runs Unfiltered
5 Runs BW Highpass 30m 99.9% Repeatability 2 Runs Cross Correlated in ProVAL using IRI filter

22 Open Grade

23 Open Grade 6 Runs Unfiltered 6 Runs BW Highpass filtered @ 30m
99.9% Repeatability 2 Runs Cross Correlated in ProVAL using IRI filter

24 Transverse Tining

25 Transverse Tining 6 Runs Unfiltered 6 Runs BW Highpass filtered @ 30m
99.9% Repeatability 2 Runs Cross Correlated in ProVAL using IRI filter

26 SurPRO Elevation Accuracy
DEVICE SENSORS SIGNAL CONVERSION CALCULATIONS X Axis Accelerometer (Roll) θX Mechanical (SurPRO wheels, frame and suspension) Y Axis Accelerometers (Pitch) Electronics & Signal Processing (Analog to Digital-ADC) Math E θY E Real Elevation→θY θX,Y→VθX,YA VθX,YA→VθX,YD VθX,YD→Elevation Error = +/-0.1% (est.) Error = +/-0.2% based on accelerometer calibration sheets. Reduced by dual Y measurement. Error = +/-0.4% based on ADC specified accuracy Error = 0% TOTAL ERROR = +/-0.7%

27 Repeatability IRI, Medium & Long Wavebands
Pass level = 0.98 SurPRO 4000

28 Repeatability Short Waveband
Pass level = 0.94 Short

29 FHWA Reference Profiler 2013 Benchmark Testing Recap
Mean repeatability cross correlation for all six sections (IRI, medium & long filter) was 99.4% Individual cross correlations up to 99.9%. Short waveband cross correlation using 4000L laser of up to 99.4%. SurPRO was insensitive to operator bias such as acceleration and transverse tilting motion Up to 99.5% repeatability using different profilers operated by different operators

30 SurPRO Models Table 1.

31 Thanks!
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